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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am considering selling IPL and buying CNR. Which company has better prospects for earnings growth and dividend growth over the next five years? And which of the two is lower risk?
Read Answer Asked by Joel on August 27, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and Team, with the recent volatility in the market, do you think the gains made are head fakes and we will test lows again which would give good buying opportunities?

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by CHARLES LA on August 27, 2015
Q: My question concerns the degree of volatility in a stock market. It is my perception the individual investor has virtually no influence on a stock price. They are simply too small of a player, even in grand total. The market is really controlled by pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds etc. These are the people who should act rationally. When you see a market go crazy on the down side like this past Monday there had to be a lot of sellers willing to sell at a much lower price than the week before. I ask, who are the sellers? The retail investor wouldn't affect the market and the big players would know better. Please educate me.

Many Thanks

Read Answer Asked by paul on August 27, 2015
Read Answer Asked by manochehr on August 26, 2015
Q: Would you please comment on this company. What percentage of it,s income is derived in US dollars.
Read Answer Asked by Ron on August 26, 2015
Q: My dad is 65 and will retire in 5 years. He has been 65% invested in bonds until today. He is ready to slowly buy stocks if the correction continues. last week, I bought him two positions: ZPR + National Bank. He likes dividend payers. He also likes the idea of buying stocks that his mutual fund cannot buy, that is, illiquid stocks. (1) How would you rank AW.UN, LIQ.UN, PZA.UN, CHEM.UN (2) Even with the large pullback, LIQ has a PE of 20. If the US fed raises rates and Poloz doesn't, do you expect expensive high yielders such as LIQ to take a hit, or, the opposite, since retirees will still need to seek tax-preferred yield in Canada? Thank you for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Matt on August 26, 2015
Q: Hi,
I have been watching uni-select for awhile, the only concern I have is that I already own a a small weighting of magna and exco. Is uni-select comparable to auto parts manufacturers or is less cyclical? Could you give a description of it and maybe some other metrics like ROE etc...
Thanks guys
Read Answer Asked by Marie on August 26, 2015
Q: Peter/group I have a belief that our $ is headed significantly lower. I would like more exposure to the US - I want to buy from a basket of stocks /my criteria is it must be Canadian but also traded in the US as I want to buy in Canada but then have my broker change it to us account to save some $. I realize the following stocks are in different sectors but would value your opinion. Please feel free to suggest others that also fit the criteria.
MG (Magna),
MX (Methanex)
BNS (Bank Of Nova Scotia)
BAM (Brookfield asset management
Read Answer Asked by Terence on August 26, 2015
Q: I've been out of stocks for a few months and bought income positions last week as follows:

Are there any half positions you would not double soon.?

Thanks for the opening comments Monday morning.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on August 26, 2015
Q: I own these stocks and they are significantly under water. They are not a very big position in my portfolio. Would you have advice on them in regards to being a buy, sell or hold. Reason behind rating would helpful.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on August 26, 2015
Q: When I see the futures market way down like it was going into Monday's open and there is a stock I am hoping to scoop up at a lower cost am I better to put an order in at the "market" price or to enter an actual dollar amount before the market opens?
Read Answer Asked by TK on August 26, 2015
Q: With the recent turmoil in the markets and slowdown in China how likely is it that the Fed will increase interest rates this year? What are the implications?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 26, 2015
Q: Thinking of making a switch from ALA where I can book a tax loss to offset gains and buying BIP with roughly comparable yield. I also suspect I am improving quality and safety a bit as well and removing some perceived energy exposure. Would you agree? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on August 25, 2015
Q: I think the market could be volatile in Sept. so that stink offer concept I like alot for a small investor.
What are a few other stocks or etfs in the US or Canada that dropped alot yesterday and recovered? that I might consider.

Read Answer Asked by blake on August 25, 2015
Q: Yesterday was a rout, Today is a small bounce back. There are several analysts out there that expect a bounce back over the next 2 to 3 weeks in the range of 5%, and the next leg down as there still is not enough panic out there. At 5I do you believe in this theory? Small bounce back and then another fairly large leg down in the order of at least 20%. More so on the next leg down. This is what Mr. Berman has indicated and he seems to be correct almost all the time.
Read Answer Asked by Al on August 25, 2015
Q: I was listening to the CEO today describe that the dividend payout is below 50% currently and going lower than 45% in the coming quarters. With a stable but newer business what is your thoughts of this structure, Debt to Cash and Management itself. I am wondering if the stock will be stronger then most mainly due to the revenue projection and safety of dividend. Thank you as always Jason N
Read Answer Asked by JASON on August 25, 2015
Q: As I attempted to buy couple of companies (SJ, BOS) when they were significantly off their open price I was confronted with "order pending" messages from CIBC Investors edge. I called the help line and they said due to high volume it all trades would take at least an hour to be looked at before they could move to "open" (or filled) status. I was also told "all firms are experiencing similar difficulties". Is this in fact the case with all firms that offer online trading? I am not a super active trader and prefer to buy and hold (usually based on your great advice) but I was very frustrated with the unacceptable delays I experienced today. I realize that tis was an extraordinary day but should their systems not be more robust than this? Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. If you are not comfortable leaving in the name of my brokerage firm feel free to omit it. As always thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on August 24, 2015