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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi All at 5i!!! I would like your advice. I would like to design a fixed , very, very (did I mention very?) conservative portfolio which will preserve my principle and earn me 4-5% income. This money will be held outside of a registered account. I own enough stocks, and do not want to add any more if I can help it. I own a good portion of the dividend aristocrats already. I understand that the taxation is not favorable outside of a registered account for fixed income and this may be a tall order considering how low interest rates are. Do you have any tools in your investment tool box to help me with this, and what would they be? Kind Regards, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on March 15, 2017
Q: Hello,

I am thinking about selling my DOL position and moving into MDA. I have held DOL for a while with no traction. I feel the upside could be $5.00 per share, but the downside could be sizable with any earnings miss, etc. There appears to be better analyst price appreciation with MDA, and with the new acquisition for the imaging company it could play into US defense commencements?? Any comments on this thought process would be great. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by william on March 14, 2017
Q: I am a 66 yr. old, dependant on my investment portfolio for almost all my income. I often hold equity positions for much too long and have suffered 60-100% losses in some stocks like Guestlogix, Paladin Energy, Avion/EDV Gold. Currently my largest holdings are: CSU, IPL, PSK, VET, H, TD and HR.UN. I am looking to replace some of the previous with the following names: SLF, MRT>UN, TCL.A, ENF, and FIE or FIE.A
Could you please RATE the positions held vs. the possible relacement positions and please provide colour on 'best' between the FIE's.

Thanks and fell free to consider as many credits as warranted.

Read Answer Asked by Dean on March 13, 2017
Q: My son ( 31, single, no dependents, good salary) has $10,000 cash in his TFSA and $30,000 cash in his RRSP. He would like to begin building a growth portfolio with a 10 to 20+ year time frame. No stocks are owned at this time.
1) Suggestions on where to begin?
2) He plans to add $500 to $1000 monthly to the TFSA for the foreseeable future. Suggestions on how to employ these contributions?
Thank you, Trevor
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on March 13, 2017
Q: My percentage market allocation presently in Altus, Kinaxis, and Open Text are 4.41%, 7.38%, and 3.85% respectively. Perhaps I'm top heavy in Tech stocks, though I plan to boost OTEX to a full position down the road. Would it make sense to sell AIF and replace it with either GUD or CRH since I hold no medical stocks at this time? You have helped my analytical skills tremendously, though I'm not good as digesting financial statements.

Thanks for this and keep up the good work.
Read Answer Asked by Elmer on March 13, 2017