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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi All. I am interested in transitioning out of Enercare...Looking for your best short-medium term opportunity. quite prepared to buy something that is considered higher risk than ECI and willing to go small cap if you suggest. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by dan on May 15, 2017
Q: Good Morning,

I asked a question a few days ago on sector allocation. Not sure why it was private. I may have checked the wrong box. Its ok to make the question public to help others here.

Anyway I did as you said and trimmed back REIT's and Financials. I purchased some tech. Added to my SVC and started a position in ET. Today I started a position in BCE. I chose BCE over T.

However I am having trouble choosing between AEM, SJ and MX for my materials purchase. Any insight would be great.

Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on May 15, 2017
Q: Good morning 5I.

My question concerns when to sell a stock that is at a loss and move the money to a better holding.

I have ridden some stocks right into the ground. Guestlodgix (GXI) for example 100% loss. On the other hand I have sold losing stocks only to see them have a miraculous recovery. Lumenpulse Inc. (LMP) for example which may have been an exceptional case was bought out right after I sold out.

Fortunately I have very few stocks in a loss position, due to your great service, but wonder should I cut my losses and move on or should I hold on for an eventual recovery? Specifically:

Aritzia (ATZ) down 12% (which in fairness you to told me not to rush into)

Currency Exchange International (CXI) down 20%

Highliner (HLF) down 18%

Stantec (STN) down 5%.

What do you think? Stand pat or fold?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 15, 2017
Q: Hi 5i, can you please advise me if TOROMONT INDUSTRIES (TIH) is a good company to own for the next 3-5 years? This company had appreciation over 100% in the last 5 years and had an approximate gain of 25% in the last 12 months. With the price being around 9% below its most recent high, would you think that it would be a good time for an initial purchase? or can you suggest another company you would recommend in this sector, Thank you for all your help!
Read Answer Asked by Valter on May 15, 2017
Q: I am getting nervous about commercial real estate in the US. I think we are in the early stages of a sea change in that malls are struggling/closing due to the shift to online retail. Stocks like AMZN and SHOP are rocketing because of this shift. One of the stocks I have owned for a while is BAM.A. Although it has infrastructure and renewable arms the bulk of its revenue is from real estate. Because they own General Growth they have a large number of malls in the US. My question: should I be shifting my BAM.A money into BEP or BIP or BBU to get around this secular shift that will presumably start affecting the company going forwards?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 15, 2017
Q: Good day,
I have some cash to deploy.
I am considering to buy SNC Lavalin (SNC) but I also like Stantec (STN)in the engineering field, which company would you recommand in this field?.

I am also considering taking a half position in ACQ. It seems less risky (although it is far from a blue chip..) following the recent drop, what do you think of the long term prospect of this company?

Finally, I have no gold stocks in my portfolio and feel I should add some, which names would you recommend at this point?

Thanks for the good work!
Read Answer Asked by Michel on May 15, 2017
Do you see anything that would explain share fluctuations last couple of days? Is this someone establishing a position in the stock?

Can you compare current institutional position in the stock to historical data? Would that account for the meteoric rise of the stock?

Read Answer Asked by JR on May 15, 2017
Q: With today's carnage on Bad and last weeks HCG and the fact that it is done from the States makes it obvious that shorting on the Canadian side is a lot easier and as you say without regulatory control. What makes it different in the States and why is it not here?
Read Answer Asked by Jean on May 15, 2017
Q: Hi can you rate the above four companies in terms of long term growth potential, from best to worst. Safety should play a minor factor as well.

Read Answer Asked by Valdis on May 12, 2017
Q: Hi, Could you please share your comments on today's debut of this much awaited IPO. The issue was oversubscribed 7X, but looks like allotees were in a rush to cash in. I read somewhere that 85% of the issue was allocated to institutions. Do you think, today's trading was mostly retail investors ? What is your outlook of the company and the stock, going forward ? Did I see somewhere that co. will release it's 1st quarterly results on Monday May 15? If so, you have any insight ? I did start a position today and would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 12, 2017