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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
I have the following in a non-registered (and high risk tolerance) account:
LSPD (+55%)
GAN (-21%)
XBC (-65%)
QUIS (+21%)
AMY (+28%)
PLTR (-15%)
NANO (-28%)
OPS (+37%)
PLUG (-62%)

1. Is there any names on this list that you would consider selling at a loss and re-deploying elsewhere?

2. I'd like to buy LSPD in my separate registered account considering the sharp drop over the past couple weeks. Is there any limitations on owning the same stock in both registered and non-registered accounts? I am comfortable in my overall position so that would not be a concern.

Please deduct credits as you see fit.

(There is a chance I've submitted this question twice; if so, please answer this one. My browser crashed during my first submission and I'm not sure if the first one went through.)

Thanks for your insight,
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on October 07, 2021
Q: Following up on Mary's question about compelling buys, can you explain why each stock made your list?
Read Answer Asked on October 05, 2021
Q: Could you explain your thoughts about SPB,why is it not following energy's rise?
Would you be buying here?
Dividend safe?
Any numbers on Brookfield's share in SPB?
Is Brookfield buying more or selling lately?
You think another company would be a better choice and if so which one?
About GH,at what entry price would be a good buying point?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on October 04, 2021
Q: What are your thoughts on the most compelling buys today regardless of sector or country?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on October 04, 2021
Q: What is your current view of Canadian Tire (CTC.A). Its come down the last few days and I'm wondering if its time to start a position.
Read Answer Asked by Serei on October 01, 2021
Q: Do you think high inflation or even stagflation will come to fruition in the near future? If yes, is it best to save and build up your cash position or continue to invest in great companies in both scenarios?
Which stocks/sectors would be best to invest in a high inflation or stagflation environment?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on September 30, 2021
Q: First time poster here.
With the slight decline recently, which of these following companies do you guys like the most for a growth portfolio for the next 5-10 years? I have 150K to invest (consider this fun spending money and money to play with), and I want to know how much of the 150K would you guys invest in each of these companies separately? ie. 35k in CSU etc
(side note), the report card for TOI said it was valued at 10 billion when it was $60/share. But now it's $131/share and everywhere I read it says 5 billion market cap. Was this a typ-o?). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Caleb on September 30, 2021
Q: I once read that the correlation between the price of gold and inflation is only about 60%; i.e., not very strong. Do you have any data to show otherwise?
Read Answer Asked by richard on September 30, 2021
Q: Hi,

I own SCR in my TFSA account and pleased with the recent acquisition announcement. However, I am not sure if I will receive Penn shares or Exchangeco shares when the deal finally closes.

I am assuming I would receive Penn shares as tax is not a consideration while holding this security in my TFSA. Is this a correct assumption?

Also, would I have to make an election prior to the upcoming special meeting on October 12th or would 'no action' allow the process to unfold as recommended and I end up with cash and Penn shares in my TFSA.

Thank you again for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on September 30, 2021
Q: All 3 are down today (Wednesday) when market is up. LSPD down a lot, no longer muted. Can you comment more on what's happening to LSPD and what outlook holds? Any adjustment in your opinion? As for SHOP, it's been flat to down for a while now. Any reason why? What is the compelling story behind it? Would you buy it now?
Read Answer Asked on September 30, 2021
Q: I am a recent subscriber, but have been around long enough to have taken your advice on TOI:CV. It has done quite well, thanks. I have my TFSA holding only one stock, BNS with the whole $75,000. It has essentially not moved in the last 6 months. Can you suggest one or two stocks that you feel have a similar potential as did TOI, as I would like to sell my BNS and move into something else?
Read Answer Asked by D. Justin on September 29, 2021