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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm holding the above in a RSP and the above stocks are quite down. Given the current environmnet, is it time to sell them? today, rather than last week!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on March 28, 2025
Q: Will artificial intelligence utilization in finance and markets be able to replace stock pickers and in the end financial advisers/analyst since analysis of companies data will be faster and perhaps more reliable and objective than performed by a human irregardless of his skills and experience. Already automated portfolios are created by a computer based on certain investment goals.
I would be interested in your perspective on this matter.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on March 27, 2025
Q: The three year chart on this is not pretty. Why, given the lack of potash on the market from the Ukraine and Russia, has NTR not thrived? I've done well on NTR in the past but have a hard time understanding the cyclicality. This looks like a good time to invest once again, but is it? How can tariffs hurt NTR? Where else is the US going to get their large need?

BTW, thanks for the suggestion that 475 was a good entry point for ISRG.

Now, NTR? Your thoughts, please

Read Answer Asked by alex on March 27, 2025
Q: Hi Guys,

Thanks for answering my question today re 10 stocks for a 3 to 5 year hold. Just wanted to know what percentage would these 10 stocks hold within the portfolio?


Read Answer Asked by jim on March 26, 2025
Q: I need to do some portfolio rebalancing. I want to increase weghtings in Basic Materials, Consumer Defensive and Health care. Could you please give me your top 3 picks in each category for a 3 - 5 year hold. Canadian or US stocks are fine.

Take as many credits as you think appropriate.
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on March 25, 2025
Q: Friday’s meeting between Mark Carney and the Premiers promises to lead to increased spending and capital to build infrastructure related to natural resources, alternative energy and technology. There seems to be a vibe consistent with Brookfield visions and foci. Carney may in fact be a catalyst to moving the Canadian economy out of the current malaise. Skepticism is warranted but are there any specific stocks that we should consider in light of what could develop rather quickly?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 25, 2025
Q: Morning Troops. This is more of a hopeful question than anything. It is now almost a certainty that we will be spending more on defence regardless of who wins the election. If it actually comes to pass that our country decides to ease up on defence procurement from the US and spend more at home, how are companies like CAE positioned to profit from this and do you see it happening? Cheers.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 25, 2025
Q: I've held Canadian National Railway (CNR) for over eight years, achieving a modest return of about 8% per annum, which has lagged the broader Canadian market. As a retired investor seeking both income and growth, I’m considering swapping my entire CNR position for TFI International (TFII). CNR has provided stability and a reliable dividend—currently around 2.3%—but its growth has been underwhelming, and it trades at a relatively high valuation, around 19-20 times forward earnings. In contrast, TFII appears undervalued, trading at roughly 15-16 times forward earnings, with a stronger historical growth trajectory, driven by its trucking and logistics operations and savvy acquisitions. However, its dividend yield is lower, at about 1%, and it’s more cyclical than CNR’s rail business. Given my goals and the small capital gain I’d realize in my taxable account from selling CNR, does it make sense to trade all of my CNR for TFII? How do their risk profiles, income potential, and long-term growth prospects compare for someone in my position?

Read Answer Asked by Maury on March 24, 2025
Q: Without getting political can you please comment on the following scenario. Donald Trump is successful in weakening the independence of the judiciary in the U.S. and it becomes clear to people and businesses that the U.S. is moving towards a sort of Russia style 'sham' democracy. Would this produce a rerating of U.S. stocks? And if so what kind of guess can be made as to the percentage drop as the reality sets in over a few years? Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 24, 2025
Q: What 5 stocks either USA or Canadian would you feel could be good shorts prospects if we get a full blown Tariff war
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 24, 2025
Q: I've held Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH) for eight years with minimal returns. Given its recent challenges, such as weaker Canadian sales and a premium valuation relative to peers, I’m considering switching to Alimentation Couche-Tard (ATD) for better long-term growth potential. ATD seems to offer a more resilient business model, steady earnings growth, and strategic acquisition opportunities, like the potential 7-Eleven deal. What’s your view on the rationale for trading PBH for ATD and the timing? PBH is forecasting stronger growth however rarely materializes... Does ATD’s scale, diversification, and growth trajectory make it a stronger candidate for long-term value creation, or should I hold PBH given its U.S. expansion plans and historical dividend growth? Welcome hearing 5i's insight especially considering PBH's pop today resulting from positive earnings report. Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by Maury on March 24, 2025
Q: Hello 5i,

I'm thinking of selling my BCE shares in my non-registered account for tax loss purposes since I'm also expecting a dividend cut shortly. I'm looking to replace the dividend income as much as possible and I'm thinking of putting the proceeds in Telus (which I already own) or FRU.UN (not owned but I already own TOU). I'm debating whether a possible capital appreciation with BCE following a dividend cut makes it worth rebuying after 30 days instead of continuing to hold T or FRU.UN for the long term? Overall, my goal is to maintain my dividend income with this particular trade.

I'm also thinking about replacing FSV with HPS.A (I had HPS.A FOMO a few months ago but I'm not sure it's going back to its previous days?) in my TFSA for overall returns and I'm wondering if you have a preference between the two?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on March 24, 2025