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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In the interests of proactively rebalancing my portfolio for the coming year, I'd appreciate your recommendations on the sectors you would be inclined to overweight in 2022...and those you would underweight. On a related note, my tech stocks have now grown to 21% of my total holdings. As a recent retiree - with a solid pension, reasonable risk tolerance, and relatively balanced portfolio - would you be comfortable with that weighting? If not, what would you advise? (As a loyal 5i reader, I'm mindful that portfolio weightings are a personal call.) Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on September 29, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
My tech/ growth portfolio is getting massacred today on the spike in 10yr yields again. Should I be holding or dumping some stock to raise cash?? Your opinion would be much appreciated . Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 28, 2021
Q: Can you offer 5 companies in Canada and the US that have pricing power in the face of inflation? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by hal on September 28, 2021
Q: Bloomberg is saying today "Tech stocks sell off amid spike in treasury yields". Can you please explain what the spike in yields is referring to, how much is the spike, will it move somewhat predictably with the withdrawl of govt liquidity from the market, etc?
For a retiree, should I do something?
Really appreciate your clear views. Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by TOM on September 27, 2021
Q: The markets pre-COVID were rising at a reasonable rate year to year, with the odd market downturn. Since March/April 2020 the markets have shot up and stocks are trading at much higher multiples than pre-COVID. Eventually, reality may kick-in. There are many companies trading at very high evaluations. If you look at the overall market (i.e. Nasdaq) you see an exponential growth curve for the past 18 months, definitely not sustainable and possibly overpriced.? I still buy stocks but sometimes feel that if the market turns around, it could be years for it to come back. (I am more concerned about companies such as SHOP, NVEI, TTD, LSPD, NVDA, TOI, UPST, ... all of which are great companies but if we overpay, payback could be much more than 5 years.) I thought same about Netflix, I was totally wrong and missed out on one of the biggest lifetime opportunities BUT there must be a point where the price is definitely too high. Are we overpaying? Will we regret this at some point? Your thoughts? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on September 27, 2021
Q: In the most recent edition of "Canadian Money Saver", you commented: "After many years of solid gains, the ride may get a bit bumpier next year." Black swan events notwithstanding, compared to today, where do you think the market will be at the end of 2022? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on September 27, 2021
Q: Failure of the US Congress to raise the debt ceiling is being described as catastrophic in WSJ and other business journals. We should never presume anything with this US government. If this happens the market could tank big time. I am concerned there is too much complacency in the market right now. I would be interested to read your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on September 27, 2021
Q: Hi 5i Team,

What is a good heuristic to use for a diversified portfolio with respect to the percentage allocation for the largest equity holding? For example, the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio has a portfolio weighting of more than 41% invested in AAPL. This represents a significant overweighting of one stock in comparison to the weighting of AAPL in the S&P 500 Index and Nasdaq 100 Index, which hold 6.1% and 10.9% in AAPL, respectively.

If one has a very strong belief in the superior expected returns of a company or ETF, for example, AAPL or QQQ, what is the upper percentage allocation one should assign for your largest equity holding? Is it 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% or 40%? What rule of thumb is reasonable for a well-diversified portfolio.

Your comments on the above is much appreciated.

Thanks George
Read Answer Asked by George on September 24, 2021
Q: Hi 5i, my question is on asset allocation and I know this is a personal question. That said, I'm getting older and capital preservation is even more important to me now. I'm thinking 6% gold, 15% cash, 10% REITs, 15% fixed income (including preferred shares), and the rest (54%) in stocks throughout the world but mostly North American based. Is this reasonable for someone that's getting older? and am I missing any asset classes.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on September 24, 2021
Q: Greetings, I have about 12-15% of my portfolio in cash. I am hoping to utilize it on opportunities during a correction or downturn. Would it make sense to invest in a conservative ETF until such time? Any low risk recommendations , instead of just cash, HSA and GICs?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 23, 2021
Q: hi guys i was wondering what, if any residual effect the situation in china would affect our banks if the real estate firm is not bailed out and i guess how would it affect our economy in general. thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by michael on September 22, 2021
Q: Long term bond prices rose during previous tapering periods (following 2014 QE for example). Given this, and the relative certainty tapering is coming soon, would now be a good time to add to one's long and short term bond holdings? If I'm incorrect, please explain why? Thank you, great service.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on September 22, 2021
Q: If the market keeps falling for a bit is there anything particularly attractive? Can you try as best as possible to consider the effects of the Evergrande (potential) collapse all the while presuming that economic fallout will be mostly contained? In other words if new construction in China slows and it has some effect on mining and iron ore prices (for example) what is not effected or what kinds of companies and in which sectors will actually benefit? Or am I just overthinking developments that have too many moving parts to really make sense of? Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on September 21, 2021
Q: I see the indexes rising inexorably while much of what I follow and should otherwise be supported by emerging policy wallows, from which I conclude that the market is very narrow - that those doing well and driving the indexes are a small portion of the whole. That is very frustrating especially when the outperformers role/function is not clear. Do you think you could address this? From my point of view the indexes simply do not represent the majority of investment sentiment.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 20, 2021
Q: Hi 5iresearch team

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being certainly, how likely do you think a stagflation scenario will happen in the US economy?

Second question, what types of investment will likely win in stagflation (gold, certain stocks, bonds, real estate, cash … etc)?

Third question: can you recommend 3 Cdn and 3 US stocks that you think will do well in stagflation? Can you please rank them if possible?

Thank you for your great service, I really enjoy reading your answers everyday in the Q&A section.
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on September 16, 2021
Q: I am trying to grow a small position in GDI and have two options. As I add funds over the coming months I can just average in, or I could sell my position in QIPT and get a larger position right away.

I know the stocks aren't comparable, but what would your thoughts be on this move? I think QIPT has decent growth prospects but one thing this move would do is take remove some risk (from small-cap to GDI market cap over 1 billion. Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on September 16, 2021
Q: Owning stocks is by nature an intangible asset. In the event, of lets say, a black swan event such as a cyber threat world wide and all our intangible assets are basically in digital form (as opposed to physical and tangible) what, if anything can an individual owning stocks do, if anything, to make that asset more tangible? I assume the stocks in all your model portfolios have been suggested because of they have been deemed higher rated companies, those more likely to survive any temporary stock market crash. But can we make owning them more tangible or are we fully at the mercy of the Internet?

Read Answer Asked by Lucy on September 16, 2021
Q: If you had to pick only ten stocks or ETF's to hold forever which would they be?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on September 16, 2021
Q: Please advise 5 top defensive growth stocks - Canada, US or global.
Many thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by sam on September 16, 2021