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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Of the two ETf's as listed above would you comment on the timing and prospects for these ETF's in the current economic environment with both the US and Canadian governments emphasis on infrastructure spending. With thanks, Bill
Read Answer Asked by William J on April 22, 2016
Q: BMO EQUAL WEIGHT US BKS INDEX ETF symbol ZBK. What are your thoughts on this ETF? I currently own this ETF .

Read Answer Asked on April 21, 2016
Q: Hi,
XHY has increased just over 10% over the last 2 months and seems to be continuing its positive growth. Do you see this continuing?
Read Answer Asked by Giovanni on April 21, 2016
Q: I have roughly 5% exposure to infrastructure, exclusively through WSP. I am comfortable with my position (my entry point is quite favourable), and do not wish to trim it. I have been making a concerted effort to consolidate the number of positions in my portfolio (aiming for roughly 30-40 in total) as I feel it makes it easier to make decisions on what to include, as well as when to enter and exit a position. My question is whether I should increase my exposure to this sector, either through STN or SNC, or if I should focus on improving exposure to other sectors. If I were to increase my exposure to infrastructure, I would only pick one position. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on April 18, 2016
Q: I haven t followed the market much in the last 3 months or so but i wonder what has really changed (growth story, oil output, china, somewhat rich valuation) and when i see the S&p500 almost at all time high i wonder about the risk / return in the next 12-24 months and i hesitate to add new money. Can you please comment on the macro picture at the present time and other related comments if any. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 14, 2016
Q: Can you please advise which ETF is better to hold when market sells off.
Below ETF has to be hold for one /two weeks or I can hold for long time. If below is not right one - Please recommend another ETF.

Read Answer Asked by Hector on April 12, 2016
Q: Hello, Many Real estate investment trusts(e.g. IVR)and related ETFs (e.g. REM) distribute ~10 to 12% dividend. This appears very good but may be a high risk investment. What is your opinion about IVR REIT and REM etf?. Which one is better? or may be none?


Read Answer Asked by Tabho on April 12, 2016
Q: Please provide your opinion on purchasing preferred ETF's at the present time, for a one year hold, and which of the following would you prefer and why?.... CPD (Canadian Preferreds), XPF (North American Preferreds), HPR (Actively Managed Preferreds), ZPR (Laddered Preferreds). These funds would be held in a non-registered, fully taxable account. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on April 06, 2016
Q: I see oil slipping some what in value. I personal don't see anything that is going to push the price up. ($35.00 - $45.00). So I don't understand the bullish effect on the Canadian Dollar. I would appreciate your option & what the general consensus is. The reason I am asking this is I have U.S. dollars that I was thinking of transferring into cnd. dollars. So my next question is, Do you think the Ontario & Federal budget will send the dollar down in value. Do you know when their
budgets are due.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on April 04, 2016
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Just spent too much time writing my question and got stopped I will be brief. In the event of a global financial collapse... because we are drowning in debt... who will survive? How can we prepare...own hard assets like land, gold or silver coins, the minings stocks, be debt free with no mortgage? Are there any sectors which would benefit? Your thoughts I can sleep better! Ha! Ha!
With respect...
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on March 28, 2016
Q: I have very little invested in the Materials Sector.I am currently a growth investor. What stocks and/or ETF would you recommend in this sector?

Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on March 21, 2016
Q: I own some of each of these Pfd' has the symbol BM in it's name, the other BK...would you be kind enough to make the distinction for me , please and thank you...also if you would comment on their credit quality ...and whether the reset rates in 5 yrs time is the minimum rate or whether the rate is reduced if we have negative interest rates...many thanks ...cheers
Read Answer Asked by Cam on March 17, 2016
Q: I have limited exposure to Europe / Emerging Markets. Do you think it is a good time to invest in either of them and if so how would you do it? What are the best ETFs? Would you use a CAD hedged ETF/am I correct in understanding that buying a CAD hedged ETF would protect against the CAD appreciating?
Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on March 14, 2016
Q: On Feb 26 Tamara submitted a concern about the doom and gloomers and her positive approach to investing in spite of their opinions. We too remain invested: 50% in farm land and 50% in stocks (of this 75% is in blue chip dividend stocks and 25% in higher risk stocks that we are transitioning out of and adding to the blue chip category as we near retirement age). Your guidance on sector allocation has been invaluable.
Of concern to me is this:
1. on a scale of 1-10 where do you rate the potential for a world wide currency collapse. I have read it is not if but when.
2. I cannot get my head around what this would look like. For the average person what would be the impact to daily living. It seems in Canada we remain fairly "sheltered " from physical harm.
3. I have read it is advisable to hold gold for safety in economic uncertainty. So gold stocks or the commodity - actual physical gold? How would one use it to buy what we need daily? That is another thing I can't get my head around. It just seems impractical. How does one buy gold?
4. Which is the better option in this uncertain economic climate: to be fully invested, to hold cash, to hold gold, to hold a combination of these and in what ratio.

We remain positive in the future and fully invested but are we on the right track? Is there something we and other readers should be doing to weather what the world economic factors may send our way. Your comments would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Louise on March 10, 2016
Q: i just want solid dividend paying companies. id like your take on the economy. are the policy makers playing games with the value of our currency ?id like to hold stocks for long term and let the drips accumalte is this an ok stategy or do i constantly have to have cash and buy gold etc if gold is the next best area what do you recommend
Read Answer Asked by cliff on March 10, 2016
Q: Could you please provide a percentage sector allocation recommendation for a growth portfolio with a time frame of 5 to 10 years.
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on March 03, 2016