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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Gary's question regarding the border adjustment tax 9BAT) on oil reflected my concern, as well. Presently, Canada ships 3.5 boe and Mexico is at about 800,000 so energy independence seems well down the road. If there is a BAT, some have said gasoline prices in the US will rise proportionately. I don't understand that conclusion. Canada only gets $40/barrel and Mexico $46. They can't raise the price to cover the tax so does that mean US recipients will get less and then raise prices to consumers?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 02, 2017
Q: Looks like us financials are losing steam / as is the US currency against the Canadian $ I have some profit in US financials would you take the $ and run or wait?

Also what do you see for the US $ against the Canadian currency going fwd especially after Trumps comments today that the US $ is too strong ? - I under that this is 2 questions thanks as always for your insight
Read Answer Asked by Terence on January 18, 2017
Q: I saw a report today that the Republican GOP is planning to introduce a bill to reform (lower) US corporate taxes that includes a so called "border tax" on all imports. Some talking heads have commented that if it becomes law as currently written the US dollar will see a big increase (as much as 25%). Have you heard about this and do you have any comments? Is it time to overweight US holdings to hedge against a currency increase?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on January 11, 2017
Q: Some economists argue that as debt to GDP ratio rises, it reaches a certain point when further fiscal stimulus will have little effect. Debt can be measured as Government Debt or Total debt (Government, Corporate and Individual). David Rosenberg in his New Year musings about the way things might be going in 2017, (a rare freebie for cheapies like me who don't pay for his missives) uses nonfinancial debt. How is "nonfinancial debt" defined, pray? Happy New Year and many thanks for your help again. Henry
Read Answer Asked by Henry on January 05, 2017
Q: Hello 5I Team
I own Maw150 and Maw106 in my RRSP as part of my portfolio, Maw105 i did very good this Year but Maw150 i had a negative return .My question is do you thing the Maw150 will rebound this year and have a better return and do you think Maw106 which is the Canadian Equity will continue to do well or have a softer year in returns ?

Read Answer Asked by claudio on January 03, 2017
Q: Hello! I have received a decent sized amount of gifted funds (decent sized relative to my existing portfolio). I plan to spread it across my holdings which are almost entirely made up of the BE Portfolio. I know that usually January can be volatile. Would you 1) hold onto the gifted amount in cash for now and deploy later when the markets calm (February for example), 2) deploy now, knowing January can be volatile? Or if there is a better method you would recommend? Thanks!!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 03, 2017
Q: Hi Peter & team, my question is about the MDA company report of September 2016. At the bottom of the report there is a chart where it says "14D Relative Strength Index (RSI) of MACDONALD DETTWILER". Could you explain what RSI is? According to the chart the RSI was at about 30 on September 29th, is that good? For any given company, is it better to have a higher or a lower RSI? Suggestion: a short Webinar on how to read 5i company reports, specially the charts and tables at the bottom of each report. I greatly appreciate your good service, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on December 19, 2016
Q: My question is about your take on reinvesting dividends.

I now have enough in my income portfolio to reinvest into buying whole shares. All things being equal (without dividend reinvestment policy by the company to buy at a discount), should I enroll in an automatic reinvestment plan that my broker offers or should I accumulate enough and then make one time purchases throughout the year when it's on a dip or something?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on December 19, 2016
Q: There is currently a plethora of ways to invest in the US Market without touching sector funds. Would you use any of the above ETFs and if so in what proportion or would you suggest using any other US ETFs as well. High conviction US Mutual funds are also an option; but the fees are somewhat higher. I currently have no US coverage and am looking at establishing a 15-20% position. I know timing is a bit of a quess; but with the recent run up would you please suggest a strategy?

Thanks and
A very Merry Christmas to all
Read Answer Asked by Warren on December 19, 2016
Q: Hi, I have roughly about 120k in a resp for my two children who are 14 and 12. I went to cash before election unfortunately in hindsight as it was 75% index funds and 25 percent bond funds. Going forward, as there are 4 years remaining before university I want to remain somewhat defensive but still have growth as I believe the markets will continue higher over the next couple years as The big Fed day is over, and markets remain resilient. I was thinking about zwb,Zwu for defence and income...7% yield, at 30 k each. Zsp for us market and currency exposure at 30k. mg and gud at 15 k each for some growth. Am I being to aggressive at 5 years away from university? Do you recommend any changes to this approach? Thanks for your opinion and advice and Merry Christmas!
Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on December 16, 2016