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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What stocks in Canada do you believe will do well with the passing of the Infrastructure Bill and Reconciliation Bill in the USA? Please list in order of preference. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on September 02, 2021
Q: Peter,

Bank profits are massively up. Normally they suffer when the interest rate differential between the deposits and loans is as squeezed as much as it is now. What is the big reason for the huge profit jump? Is it simply the loan revenue from mortgage lending, the reversal of prior loss reserves , the wealth management areas or something else?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by paul on August 31, 2021
Q: Was up 30% on MG. Purchased at $84.50. Stayed too long at the party. I still like it longer term. I like the fundamentals. Do you if so why?
I hesitate to average up here. You have better insight on MG than I do. Also in my experience over the years September/ October are notorious months for market drop, I have 10% in cash for purchases just in case. It’s a large well diversified portfolio. Cyclicals make me nervous here.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on August 27, 2021
Q: Hi, My questions is about the best way to hedge the current market and economy. I have a large portion of my money in the stock market, and I feel things are becoming over extended. I've thought about putting some money in the VIX, however I'm not sure if that's the best way to play a downturn. I'd appreciate if you could give me your opinion on the best way to hedge, in case of a heavy downturn in the market/economy. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Brady on August 11, 2021
Q: The data currently coming from Israel and the UK indicate that the vaccine efficacy is waning, earlier than many predicted. Given that most Western countries have employed a vaccine strategy to address Covid, I would like your advice regarding how to position a portfolio in the event of a Black Swan event.

In the fall, we will likely have another flu/virus season in northern US and Canada. Basically, I see 4 possible scenarios of decreasing probability but increasing risk: (1) the vaccine acts as advertised and we have few cases/deaths; (2) the vaccine is less effective than expected and there are many cases, but few deaths; (3) the vaccine is not effective and there are both many cases and many deaths; and (4) as has been suggested by some top scientists, there are long-term risks with these mRNA vaccines and deaths/ adverse events are much greater than if no vaccine was taken.

If an investor has concerns about scenarios 3 and 4 in particular, but is hopeful that such an event does not occur, how should one best position the portfolio. Should one stay fully diversified sectorially and geographically in stocks? Should one consider increasing allocations to gold, cash, bonds, etc? What are your thoughts?

Many thanks for your insightful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on August 10, 2021
Q: what sectors could really be affected badly if interest rates go up significantly? thank you.
Read Answer Asked by jim on August 03, 2021
Q: What sectors on the TSX are going to be strong in the next 3 months?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 28, 2021
Q: Were do you see the US markets going in the next 5 months?
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on July 26, 2021
Q: It looks like around Seven AM this morning the Canadian dollar abruptly shot up a more than 1%, thus wiping out any gains I might make for the day. Any idea what the cause was? Any predictions about where the dollar-dollar ratio is headed in the near term? I hold a lot of US stocks in unhedged Canadian ETFs and am now reconsidering the helpfulness of hedged products.
Read Answer Asked by John on July 22, 2021
Q: I have a number of laggards in my portfolio that have been dramatically outperformed by peers during this year's rally, many of which I already own. I realize that you have generally rated these as 'hold' when asked in the past-yet I'm seeing a substantial opportunity cost to holding while others hold momentum during these hot markets for tech, industrial and commodities.
Any thoughts on whether it is worth continuing to hold and would you advise replacing at this time. ie on the balance of possible outcomes, would I be better off to stand pat or shift over to comparables within the sectors?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 19, 2021
Q: Precious metals having a good day today, assuming its mainly because of the hot inflation numbers coming out. Do you see these stocks having more room to run? I own the above. Can you rank the above stocks in terms of the inflationary environment and which have the best growth and potential. Which sectors would do the best? Also I'm low in energy, would that sector do well if inflation persists or is it mainly driven by energy prices? Do you still see inflation as transitory or more persistent? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 14, 2021
Q: When financial aids due to pandemic shut down measures end do you expect market downdraft? In Canada the CERB will end on Sept 25, 2021. Not sure when the U.S. financial aids will end though.
Read Answer Asked by Linda on July 13, 2021
Q: The fixed income portion of our portfolio includes XBB@15% and ZIC at 6%. Portfolio analytics is suggesting fixed income assets @40%. I am not keen on adding more bonds and would be comfortable at 30% in FI. Can you suggest 1-2 alternatives for someone entering retirement?

Read Answer Asked by Rosemin on July 06, 2021
Q: Are we starting to see another sector rotation particularly back into tech? What do you see as the best sectors to put money to work in right now?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 21, 2021
Q: I realize that things are a little crazy throughout the world but can you see any particular reason that advisors of my friends ( 65 yrs plus ) are moving there portfolios into very defensive positions other than the good run in the last 14 months? Is there anything that I am not seeing as opposed to them? Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on June 21, 2021
Q: It seems all the Canadian banks are doing well - huge profits, reversing loan-losses, cash piles and talk of boosting dividends.

Is a lot of this profit due to the increasing real-estate mortgages being issued that have an implicit government backstop? I view this as a form of moral hazard - the banks know the government has their back so continue to lend despite worsening lending metrics like income to home price etc.

Do you see any risk from all the non-house owners in the country putting pressure on the government to reign in bank profits, as it seems only the 'rich' home owners are benefitting? Or would the banks themselves curtail lending as home prices continue to appreciate?

I know that the Canadian residential real estate market if a primary driver of our economic gains nowadays but at some point, the policital winds may shift.

What signals related to Canadian housing would you look for to make you want to reduce your exposure to Canadian banks?

Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on June 17, 2021