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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: For long term investors, which is better ; monthly dividends or quarterly dividends. Or is it like stock splits where it makes no difference. Tnx.
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on May 10, 2021
Q: When attempting to diversify the sectors in a portfolio does it make sense to hold individual stocks as well as ETF's in the same sector or is it one strategy or the other?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 10, 2021
Q: As investors doing our do diligence we are looking at many
balance sheet ratios as of course you are as well
Common ones being P/E--P/B--P/S--P/CF--ROA-ROE-ROI
And then --asset turnover--PEG ratio--debt to capital etc. etc.
I am sure many others that you use.
All very helpful if you completely understand them.
There are also rules of thumb when looking at these ratios.
It would be very helpful if you gave us more insight into what
these rules/guidelines are.
I realize these rules of thumb vary by sector but I think many of a them are common to all sectors.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by peter on May 07, 2021
Q: The IPO market is getting very active. Is there a good website where I can get details, like financials, price, underwriters etc. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on May 07, 2021
Q: Hello 5i,
Peter asked a question about Norbert's Gambit for RBC specifically. I have just completed two Norbert's today, one each way, using D.I. and will post to the Forums. If Peter is interested, he can check the forums for my post and then ask any questions he may have.
Hope this helps.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 06, 2021
Q: I don't fully understand Crypto Currency/Coins. I have asked many people I can't understand why it valued the way it is and it seems like the new Tulipmania.

I somewhat understand blockchain, but I don't how value of that technology will be in the end, but some explained to me that the coins somewhat get/pay to be on the blockchain which might be good for certain things and companies.

This craze looks speculative and not really an investment, but does it make any sense to put a small amount of mad money into a few crypto's or is it just a matter of time before the house of cards comes crumbling down.

Signed by: FOMO and Confused;)
Read Answer Asked by Colin on May 06, 2021
Q: Would you consider Auto Call Notes issued by the Canadian banks a suitable investment for someone in their 80’s? Would your answer be influenced by the type of underlying index?
Thank you for considering my question
Read Answer Asked by Gail on May 05, 2021
Q: I know you have answered a lot of questions about Norbert's Gambit. I've read some of the answers but not been certain of exactly how to proceed. I searched for a description that would apply specifically to RBC and found this video (there is also a PDF).

It doesn't mention the need to call the brokerage’s customer service desk and ask them to journal the shares over to the U.S. dollar side of the account.

I haven't tried this yet. Would you add comments?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 05, 2021
Q: struck out on IPO for Magnetic Forensic Magt/t @ $17 with Scotia...but took 1/2 position at $23.12....will fill out the other half pretty soon.....More a comment on what a great heads up to members...and subsequent great report on the IPO of Magnetic..& why U at 5i like it....long time member and couldn't be happier..or more satisfied..with the Services provided by 5i Research...a great team starts with leadership (Peter & Ryan)...but the other members on the team are top notch....merci beaucoup....jb Piedmont, QC
Read Answer Asked by John on May 04, 2021
Q: Buffet rekindled a concern in his recent annual meeting which I have had for a long time. He seems to think that it would be better for the average investor to be invested in index funds. This year he started out by asking which were the 20 largest capitalization companies in the world today. Then he showed the 20 largest in 1989. He asked how many remain among the largest today. The answer was zero. I would have gone to index funds before but I have large capital gains in my largely Canadian taxable accounts. I did try to adjust this by buying only US index funds in my registered accounts. But, then I thought that I already have so many individual stocks that a few more won't matter that much. So, I also bought individual stocks in my registered accounts. I know that you cannot offer individual portfolio advice. But, it would be useful to have your perspecitve on Buffet's advice and the dangers of indivual stock picking for most people. If you could fix my personal dilemma that would be a bonus!
Read Answer Asked by joseph on May 04, 2021
Q: If I purchase BP on the US exchange, these are designated at ADR shares. Due to the intermediary US institution, are are extra costs deducted by the FI relating to holding & transacting these? Also, are there additional tax deductions as BP is a foreign entity even in US
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 04, 2021
Q: Is it possible to do a research in the Blog ? For example, articles on IPOs ?
Read Answer Asked by Denise on April 30, 2021
Q: When selling options, do you suggest picking an expiry date out a couple of weeks, a couple of months, other?

Read Answer Asked by Alan on April 30, 2021
Q: Dear 5i,
I have a question about MAGT and IPO's in general.
I am have no experience participating in an IPO so I had a few questions.
Can the IPO price vary after one commits to purchasing a set number of shares?
Is the broker commission embedded within the stock price?
When do the shares typically start trading on the normal market?
In the case of MAGT it looks like the IPO shares started trading on the open market
within a day. For small investors do you recommend waiting and purchasing on the open market? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 29, 2021
Q: As the Canadian dollar strengthens I am curious about the advantages of journaling some of my Canadian stocks to the US side of my account. As an example, there is an obvious benefit to convert CAD cash to USD cash when CAD is at .85 USD vs. when CAD is at .70 USD BUT Is there any benefit to journal say 1000 shares of BNS from Canada to US when the dollar is at .85 vs. when the dollar is at .70?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 29, 2021