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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter & Team,

MG is showing a P/E of 16.85 yet the PEG is a -2.64 meaning that the company is losing money or that the estimated growth rate for future earnings is negative, indicating that the earnings of the company are expected to decrease in the future. Have I read this/interpreted this correctly? And if so, is MG a company we should be staying a clear of right now? Or do I have this all wrong?

Thanks for all you do


info sourced via MSN Money
Read Answer Asked by Gord on January 25, 2022
Q: Hi Peter & Team,

It may be my imagination, but I seem to remember reading somewhere - in the Questions section, I think -that 5i has a tool to help us calculate the ACB of our holdings. Please tell me it's not wishful thinking....

Thanks for all your help.

Read Answer Asked by Molly on January 25, 2022
Q: What is your impression of the analyst estimates for EPS and revenues in reports such as Refinitiv? Is there any other source that you find better?
Read Answer Asked by Leo on January 25, 2022
Q: Hi 5iresearch team
At website, I was able to download the historical data of indexes (S&P500, Dow, and Nasdaq as well as the Candian TSX or any other ticker) in an excel file format (CSV). Now, it seems I can do that with Canadian tickers only. Is there a way to download the American companies historical data from the Yahoo site? If not is there another source that provides similar format data?
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on January 25, 2022
Q: Hi 5i - a two parter:
Firstly, are you aware of any website or other resource out there that offers easily accessible side by each display of the common evaluation metrics of companies in the same sector, subsector or industry?
(I ask because most sectors differ from other sectors in terms of what is a desirable P/E or P/CF or ROE or ROA etc. etc. so when I see what I might think are either healthy or unhealthy metrics for a particular company I don't have a readily available way to compare those metrics to companies operating in the same sphere to allow me to quickly determine if they truly are unhealthy or unhealthy, comparatively speaking.)
And secondly, is there any resource you are aware of that sets out what the average various evaluation metrics are for the different sectors / subsectors / industries or, alternatively, what could reliably be considered healthy metrics for each.
I'm not adverse to doing the work to come up with this information myself (although I expect I would have difficulty arriving at reliable information to fulfill part two of the above) but it would save me a lot of time and paper if that information had already been gathered. I suspect others might find the sort of sector specific database I'm looking for helpful too.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 25, 2022
Q: I agree with and often quote you, " often nothing is the right thing to do". That, and learning the importance of managing position size are very possibly the two main reasons my portfolio has grown to the size it is. It wasnt all luck that I trimmed a few stocks that had grown to oversize positions early last Nov. My biggest winners are mostly my biggest decliners in this down draft, the recent trimming eased the pain somewhat. It's not just your stock picks making people $ , thanks for that!
Read Answer Asked by Charles on January 25, 2022
Q: On a Day like Today a lot of "Stops" were activated, then it seemed like a scramble to get back in. Even experienced Host's on Cable, you could sense their chagrin.
Personally I don't like stops, thinking that short of a mushroom cloud, my picks (and I) will ride out the storm.
Could you please tell your thought's ?
Read Answer Asked by Cacey on January 25, 2022
Q: Hi, Where is the 2021 IPO Report mentioned in the Jan18 Updates?
Read Answer Asked by Denise on January 24, 2022
Q: In answer to a question I had earlier this year, you mentioned the following when looking for capitulation:

“Looking at volume 'at the bid' is helpful as well, indicating sellers are hitting bids in a panic rather that waiting for a buyer. Gap downs are also a sign, indicating investors just don't care and want out.”

What is the best way to find this information?

Read Answer Asked by Alan on January 24, 2022
Q: Good Morning 5i,
I would like your opinion on investing in CDR listings in Canada to gain exposure to the US market with much less of my investment dollars allocated to each individual stock. With the pull back currently going on in the markets the timing to go into the US when things settle down could be very good. If you like the CDR route, which stocks would you suggest to pick up? Please deduct whatever credits are necessary in order for you to give full consideration to my question. Thanks for your assistance!
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 24, 2022
Q: How often are the prices reconciled between a USD listing and a CDN$ listing of the same stock? If a bunch of Americans buy CNI and push up the price, is that immediately reflected in the CNR price? and vice versa? And how often is the exchange rate adjusted? Is there ever a time when they are out of alignment?
Read Answer Asked by Maria on January 24, 2022
Q: Please give me your thoughts on trading on the NEO Exchange. It seems to be a relatively new platform.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on January 24, 2022
Q: you put much stock in the "death cross"? I see the 50mda has dropped below the 200mda for each of PBH, WSP and XIT (ya, I know technicals aren't as reliable when applied to ETFs). What is your opinion on both the "golden cross" and the "death cross"? Are either or both reliable?

I trimmed all three on the way up (in keeping with my asset allocation target ranges). I have already added a bit to XIT, with more planned next month. I was considering adding to PBH and WSP once things settle down in a week or two.

Your thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 24, 2022
Q: Do you recommend the use of Canadian Depositary Receipt (CDR)? What are Pro's and Con's?
Read Answer Asked by Ernie on January 24, 2022
Q: In a January 21 answer to a member’s question on SHOP, you stated that the P/E for SHOP was well over 100x, whereas the poser of the question thought it was close to 30x. I think the confusion is rooted upon 5i basing its calculation on adjusted earnings, whereas the member was likely considering GAAP earnings. I raise the point only because I have recently seen others state the P/E of SHOP as in the 30s as well, including in the G&M, and I think it would be helpful for 5i to be clear about which earnings it is using for its calculation. (I hope I am not wrong in my understanding of the situation).
Personally, as a DIY investor, the P/E is often one of the top 2 or 3 data points I use when making a buy/sell decision, and I would be tempted to guess this is true for many other members. For what it’s worth, I agree that the adjusted earnings are more relevant in the case of SHOP. I would very much welcome any further comments or blogs by 5i that discuss adjusted vs GAAP
Thank you for your more than excellent service. Hardly a week goes by where I don’t at some point read all the Q&A , reports and updates on your site. I have learned much.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 24, 2022
Q: Hi Peter, & team,

Thank you for that timely "One of the hardest things" message banner on the member page. I was going to ask that very question. I am going to read that thing every time I want to press the sell button.

Read Answer Asked by Marvin on January 21, 2022