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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Just joined and reviewed the section devoted to questions. I am very impressed with your straight forward answers. Exactly what is meant by ROE (return on equity)? It appears to me ( I'm not a trader, more a follower of the market) that a lot of assumptions are behind this term. If there is a commonly accepted use of ROE, is there an easy way for the old cowboys on the prairies to figure it out without having to parse company statements?
Read Answer Asked by Lionel on April 09, 2013
Q: A question about Dividend Re-Investment Programs. Given the model portfolios investments of about $5,000 in each individual stock, the DRIP in some cases can mean the addition of approximately one share per month on some of the investments. At that level, is it better to take the cash or the DRIP. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Chuck on April 09, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, Saw your comments on BNN market call tonight regarding ZEN. Thanks for the nice commentary on it! First drill hole of 40 drill hole campain hits 323m, largest intercept they have had yet. Is there a website or spreadsheets to help figure out tonnage on plays like this?
Read Answer Asked by don on April 04, 2013
Q: On your "View by Category" section, adding Investor Resources as a category would be a help.
You have made many suggestions as to where we can get more detailed information or technical tools, such as changes in short interest, and your subscribers have also sent in sites. If you started that category it would build up over time and be quite useful.

Read Answer Asked by John on April 03, 2013