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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am a new member and would like to know what you would consider as as lowest rating, a-b -c etc., for a reasonable purchase.

I have just purchased ESL, AFN, ACQ
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on May 06, 2013
Q: Peter, if you've answered this question previously, please don't post this. I have never put in stop loss sells and have never reacted market news or unfavourable market conditions, even 2008 except perhaps for buying. My belief is that the companies I own are sound and if sentiment or global conditions hick-up and equities tumble prices will come back. What are your thoughts on putting in automatic sell orders when prices drop a certain amount within a single day?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 06, 2013
Q: I just read an article were the analyst was concerned about high margin levels. It got me thinking about the 5i investment philosophy. Do you ever consider factors like this or where we are in the business cycle, or investor sentiment, or is that all just noise.Are the fundamentals of the company and its growth prospects the main determinant for you?
Read Answer Asked by mike on May 05, 2013
Q: Hi Team, I'm new to this, and I have a hard time finding out when a company will come out with their earnings report, I look on the TSX web site, but they only sometimes post them. Can you help me out, is there an easy way to get this info?
Love your web site, keep up the good work... Alain
Read Answer Asked by Alain on May 03, 2013
Q: Hello 5i team thank you for the great information you provide.i do own most of your model portfolio stocks except Gold corp and Syz instead I do own Bad and Wilan in my 80k portfolio.each stock aprox 4%.Now the question is regarding my kids resp in which I have about 16 k and contributing 5k/yr.which is invested in rbc 2025 fund @ close to 2% MER.and it has not done well so far.if I want to invest in good stocks which are my best choices? My kids are 9 and 5 yrs old.thank you for the great work.
Read Answer Asked by Raveendra on May 03, 2013
Q: What constitutes a "defensive" stock? What percentage of a portfolio should defensive stocks play in today's financial climate? Would you consider the following to be defensive holdings: Any of the big five Canadian Banks, Telus, Enbridge, Cineplex, Power Financial, a food company like Saputo or Empire. If these don't fit the bill I would appreciate your suggestions. Thank you. John.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 02, 2013
Q: Thanks for the portfolio update. I am not sure whether any of these companies offer DRIP options but what is a fella (or gal)to do with the Div payments??
Read Answer Asked by Alan on May 02, 2013
Q: I love buying low and selling high (who doesn't ;-) I'm wondering when our oil sector will be the time to buy again and if I should be buying the good companies at these depressed prices on the worst down market days, or, if the fundamentals have changed so drastically with the explosion of fracking and bad oil sands press, that the sector will stay bearish for some time yet? Certainly Keystone will (if approved) provide some lift to the whole group, but what is your view for the oil sector as a whole? thanks.
Read Answer Asked by orion on May 02, 2013
Q: Hi...I would like to know is there any value using "technical analysts" of stocks? Thanks.. great service.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 01, 2013
Q: I'm concerned about the volatility of the TSX; up 144 yesterday, down 167 today at 11.15 pst. In this environment, how can anyone invest for the long term with any confidence? We have 600G in stocks, and another 10% in cash. I was thinking of adding to some positions, but would I be better keeping the cash in the bank? Or is it just 'sell in May and go away'? Until when?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on May 01, 2013
Q: General question regarding stock buybacks. Who is actually buying back the shares and why and what is done with the funds afterwards? Are the funds exiting the market or being reallocated within the market?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 30, 2013
Q: Re: ECI
Hi Peter. Do you know anything about Ford Equity Research? They came out this morning with a Strong Sell on Enercare. It's very rare that anyone puts out such a negative recommendation on a stock so I am wondering if this is a credible institution. I own ECI and see no reason not to continue. Thank you and kind regards.

Read Answer Asked by Geoffrey on April 29, 2013
Q: I see that David Rosenberg is starting to see signs that inflation will start to come alive in the coming months. If we subscribe to this opinion, can you think of a few of your A and B rated stocks that would be worth accumulating to prepare for such an eventuality. Thanks; love your service.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 28, 2013
Q: Where do I find a list of stock Ratings by 5i ?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 28, 2013
Q: Hi Peter & 5i: I see that RBC Capital upgraded National Bank (NA) a few days ago, from "sector perform" to "outperform" and raised its target price to $84. Is there any special significance to one of the big six banks issuing a favourable report and upgrade on one of its main peers/competitors? Or do you see it as on a par with pretty much any analyst's upgrade of any kind of company.
Read Answer Asked by Lance on April 26, 2013
Q: Our portfolio is invested as follows - Oil/gas,five, 16.3%, Pipelines,four, 16.6%, Banks,five, 16.8%, Electric,four, 10%, Reits,five, 10.6%, Tele,three, 8.8%, Commodities,two, 3.8%, Industry,three, 6.7%, Misc(PWF, ENF)4.3%, Bond 6%. All are Canadian except one US railroad. We depend on the dividends for half our income. Any thoughts on the spread, and where to add an additional 10% we have in cash?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on April 26, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and the 5i Team,
My wife and I are in a fortunate position to have stable defined-benefit pension plans, but likely have been too conservative in our investing by maintaining a 60-40 weighting of stocks to fixed-income. We were looking at our large holding of the CLF ETF, and calculated an annualized return of just 2.45%. My question is this: What low-volatility equity/equities would you purchase if the CLF shares were sold? I was looking at your recent article that discussed DOL, GS, NWC, NCC.A and ADW.A, but perhaps there are others you could recommend. Love your service; wish I had joined earlier!
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 26, 2013
Q: hello 5i:
I'm having a great deal of trouble trying to determine the direction of interest rates ie. inflationary vs deflationary forces, and thus some portfolio choices I need to make. Your opinion please.
thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 26, 2013
Q: Hello to all. My question regards the model portfolio. Could you break down the three main allocations (Stocks,Bonds,Cash %'s) and add any other sectors you would suggest. And also can you suggest a particular bond. Thanks for all your help.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on April 25, 2013
Q: Thank you for your response to my Nucor question, you made a very interesting point, that Nucor will generate $1.4 bb in cash flow this year. I get most of my information about companies through my bank and it didn't have this point. My information seems to be lacking, is there a site that you can suggest that provides better information than a bank?
Read Answer Asked by Sunita on April 24, 2013