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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, I want to let you know how much I enjoy your service and website.
First, you gave me great advice on how to get out of my mutuals (which were steadily losing in spite of being an income fund), and your site has lots of info on building a portfolio.
I have had my portfolio for about 8 months and it is fluctuating between 9-13% increase, in spite of my Wi-lan and gold stocks - so I am very pleased.
Read Answer Asked by Heather on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, Helicopter Ben Bernanke opened his mouth again today, and we got a sell off in the markets, including Gold. What was your take on what he had to say? I think he is just playing for time. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Ilesh on May 22, 2013
Q: I had a question re: selling a mutual fund and capital gains / losses resulting therefrom.

I own RBC Precious Metal Fund. In 2011 I received a T3 slip which required me to pay capital gains of aproximately $5,000 for such mutual fund.

I am now considering to sell my RBC Precious Metal Fund. If I sell mid year (May 2013), how will any cpaital losses on the mutual fund be claimed by me for the 2013 tax year. Will a T3 be issued for the 2013 tax year which evidences any cpaital losses to May 22, 2013 ?

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, I was locked into several mutual funds in the early winter of 2008 and we all know what happened after that. I have pulled 10% each year since then and reinvested in "good companies". I am in the seventh year now and wonder if I should cash out all mutual funds 9 months early taking a 1.5% hit and reinvest in "good companies" over the summer given that the market and mutual funds are on a high? Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and team,
I have some questions about the Model Portfolio... Is the implication that you recommend each of the stocks until we are told otherwise? (So I would be encouraged to purchase all 20 of them today, regardless of how the market is doing?)
Also, I note that you have not reported on 9 of the 20 stocks within this Model. Why is that so?
And, for an unrelated question, how do I find out how frequently (annually, quarterly, monthly) a particular stock pays its dividend?
Thanks in advance for your response. I love this service!!!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on May 21, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and team,

I don't understand why mortgage REITS such as ARR, AGNC and the like are doing so poorly stock price wise. Is it not better for these companies if the Fed is going buy fewer bonds as the American economy improves? Does this Fed withdrawal not give them a better spread between what they borrow at and what they can buy mortgages for?
Read Answer Asked by Max on May 21, 2013
Q: Peter, I try to ensure my investments are safe and I separate my GICs into 100K lots with as many different borrowers/banks as I can and in as many different combinations of entities as I can, using permutations of my immediate family members and myself to make sure that these investments are insured by the government of Canada. My question is, however, are my stocks safe. If for example Scotia McLeod goes under and they hold my certificates/shares are these shares safe and can I recover them?

Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
What do you make of the US Markets that go up and up even in the face of negative news and statistics? Is it time to get out?
Thanks for your advice!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on May 17, 2013
Q: Peter,

An ideal portfolio will include major sectors and equal weighting as is the case with 5i portfolio. Where do we accommodate value plays and high potential companies in such a portfolio. My question would be specifically with respect to companies like DHX, CLQ, ENT, LGO. CSX, etc.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 17, 2013
Q: Some analysts say investors should reduce their bond exposure and move to equities with their thinking there is a 'bond bubble'. Another analyst stated on BNN recently that an investor should not destroy an equity - bond allocation because that could backfire. As a retired person I would appreciate your comments on this situation. Thanks kindly.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on May 16, 2013
Q: Hello: I have a general question, about using stop losses. Can you provide some guidance about how best to use these? I am wondering how long to put them in for, and should I think of them as soon as I buy a stock or let it go up and then put in my purchase price soon, so I don't incur any losses, for example. Any advice is appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Marilyn on May 16, 2013
Q: Peter and Team,

Can you post the definition to "Averaging Down" ? I often set myself up so that I gradually get into positions by, say, starting with a postion in a stock that is 2-3% of the portfolio and work my way up to 5%. If one does this and tries to make the second, third, etc. purchases on dips does this mean you are averaging down or simply staging entry?

I always understood averaging down to be defined as taking full portfolio position and then buying more if the stock goes down meaning if it returned to the original purchase cost it would now be more than 5%.

This is probably a confusing note, but I think there is confusion on the meaning of this term.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on May 14, 2013
Q: Could you tell me where to find information on insider trading. I note your reference to this on Carfinco. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 14, 2013
Q: Peter ... are we going to experience a 10% market correction in the near future? ( 2 months). Thanks for everything.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on May 13, 2013
Q: How much weight should we give to analyst Price Targets? For example, Pacific Rubiales (PRE) reported this week and beat consensus estimates; TD Securities reiterated a HOLD and $24.00 Price Target on the stock on a report they released today.
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 10, 2013
Q: Hi Peter I'm confused. I own IPL.UN I'm up 112% on my investment and my dividend return is 10%. I know you like this pipeline , so here's the question. If I make 10% on my money now
and a possibility of an annual increase of 5% dividend growth and maybe 5% stock price growth why should I sell to keep my balance of approx. 5% average investment in any one stock. My IPL.UN works out to 8% of my portfolio now, but I believe I own a good solid investment and I'm a long term investor.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on May 10, 2013
Q: In the Model Portfolio, what does "P & L" mean? It's a new term to me! Keep up theh great work. Thaks.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on May 07, 2013
Q: Peter, I am considering selling a portion of my RY which has been reasonably strong ( I will keep enough RY that it will be 3% of my portfolio. I also have TD and BNS, each at the same 3% ). I would invest the proceeds evenly over a basket including UNS, SCL, BAU, FTT, ACD, BDT, BEK.b, NAL, LIQ, RBA, FRC.........looking for small and mid-cap value, with some of them paying a dividend. Would appreciate your opinion. Many thanks, Barry.
Read Answer Asked by Barry on May 06, 2013
Q: Peter, the Globe and Mail prints a weekly list of short positions every Monday, listing companies with the highest shorts, by volume, by percentage increase or decrease. How useful should this information be to those interested in investing with such companies?
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 06, 2013
Q: Can you explain the meaning of EBITDA? What is its signifigance,and how does one find it, or compute it, for a stock?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on May 06, 2013