Q: What are your thoughts on RRSP loans and borrowing to invest in general?
Right now I can borrow at 5.3% for an RRSP loan and can otherwise borrow at 7.4%. I think the tax and investment benefits would outweigh the borrowing costs in the case of putting it into an RRSP. In the case of a non registered account, the 7.4% hurdle rate makes it tougher. Do you have any general advice for borrowing to invest in a non registered account? And if one chooses to do so what suggestions would you make regarding allocation or options to consider? I understand this would be general advice and not personal recommendations.
Thanks very much
Right now I can borrow at 5.3% for an RRSP loan and can otherwise borrow at 7.4%. I think the tax and investment benefits would outweigh the borrowing costs in the case of putting it into an RRSP. In the case of a non registered account, the 7.4% hurdle rate makes it tougher. Do you have any general advice for borrowing to invest in a non registered account? And if one chooses to do so what suggestions would you make regarding allocation or options to consider? I understand this would be general advice and not personal recommendations.
Thanks very much