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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter and Team, in a response to Michael (November 6th) you say that Peyto’s payout ratio is 41%. Using the Peyto data provided by TMX Money, and after a quick calculation I get a payout ratio that would be 153% (0.110 DIV x 12 months / 0.86 EPS). Could you tell me where is my mistake in making this calculation? In the event that the payout ratio is in fact 153%, then would you consided the dividend at risk? Best regards, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on November 17, 2017
Q: re your advice to Paul yesterday to tender to the offer through a broker
Is there a difference if I sell directly online or do I need to speak with a broker.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 16, 2017
Q: I currently hold a very small position in Enbridge (1.5%) and a very large position in CDIC-guaranteed High Interest Savings Accounts (HISA's). I am retired and capital preservation has become important to me. HISA yields are about 1% while ENB yield is more than 5%. However, ENB dipped below $44 briefly this morning, which represents a 20% drop over the past year. Would you recommend switching some of my HISA's to ENB at this time to obtain a better yield?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on November 16, 2017
Q: Hello

I am considering investing with a robo advisor, They are certainly not WealthSimple in terms of size or AUM, but they offer portfolio choices that suit my needs.

My investments will be held at a third party custodian, Fidelity Clearing Canada and I am told that there is CIPF insurance in place.

My questions are as follows:

1) Is the CIPF insurance coverage upto $ 1 million?
2) Does the $1 million CIPF insurance cover all my accounts aggregated together i.e. RRSP,+TFSA+ non-registered etc. or is a it $1 million per each account?
3) Who is the investment dealer in this situation - Invisor or Fidelity?
4) In the event of investment dealer insolvency, how long would it typically take for my funds or holdings to be restored to me?
5) Would 100% of my investment be restored to me in the event of investment dealer insolvency, as long as I have up to $ 1 million with them?

Please deduct as many credits as appropriate

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Vee on November 13, 2017
Q: Where can you find information on Canadian warrants? the financial post warrant data seems to be no longer available, hasn't been updated since 2015, and can't find much on the tsx website or globeinvestor. I would like to find something similar to what the financial post data showed listing all warrants with exercise price and and time left etc.
thanks Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 13, 2017