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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Retired dividend-income investor. I hold CDZ for the long term and currently have a 75% position, topping up regularly to achieve a full position by year end. When originally purchased the yield was in the range of 5.4%, now it is 3.7% due to some of the constituent dividends being suspended. I believe CDZ is reconstituted annually. When this happens, what will happen with the dividend? With the potential changes to the underlying securities, will the CDZ methodology cause the dividend to increase somewhat?

I am "ok" with the current dividend. I am just wondering if I will get a bit of a bonus when the ETF is reconstituted?

Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 02, 2020
Q: How can I obtain information on what price warrants can be exchanged at and for what period of time? Currently, I would like that information on AESEW, but I would like to find sites that provide that information on other warrants. Thanks for you help.
Read Answer Asked by George on September 02, 2020
Q: Hi Everyone at 5i! My advisor is suggesting that I invest in a “Note” which invests in Canadian large cap stocks, pays 3.4% for two years, with 50% downside protection. These things leave me a bit leery. What’s the catch??? I keep trying to avoid them and she says I am missing a good deal and gets a bit annoyed. Could you please explain to me again why these are usually not a good deal? I am short on comeback lines when talking to her. Thanks, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on September 01, 2020
Q: I am currently in process with increasing the US$ in my TFSA. I have two questions:

1) Which "stable" stocks would you recommend to do a Norbert's Gambit. I understand it takes a couple of processing days before being able to sell the stock on the US side.
2) I have a few dividend paying stocks that are both on the TSX and NYSE - (CP, MLF, BNS). While they are Canadian domiciled, I'm curious if moving them to the NYSE causes the 15% withholding tax to kick in. I would like to keep them in a US TFSA so that I can trim/sell and reinvest in US $ but only if it makes sense. My intention is to buy US growth stocks in my TFSA moving forward (no dividend), eventually converting it into a 100% growth portfolio to maximize the account.

Read Answer Asked by Loretta on September 01, 2020
Q: After reading a previous question about Bam.a and which account to place it. You suggested TFSA or non-registered where it is a growth name. I’m wondering of the 3 accounts I have regular cash (non-registered), TFSA, RRSP. What types of stocks does your team suggest should go into which account generally?
I was under assumption that a non-registered taxable account would be a good place for High Div stocks, not growth stories. There by eligible dividends be tax free and low capital gains to be actually taxed. Or is growth stocks good for there too because of claiming any possible losses?
Thank you for your clarification
Read Answer Asked by Allen on September 01, 2020
Q: has anyone ever done a study that shows whether owning dual-share class companies fares better or worse than single-class? I can't seem to make up my mind on which, if any is better.

On the one hand, it is very democratic that all shareholders have an equal vote, but I can't help but think this leads to short-term quarter-by-quarter pursuits by management that may not benefit the long-term health of a company.

On the other hand, a concentration of voting rights by a small minority of shareholders could disregard the interests of subordinate holders yet allow for better strategic longer-term planning without having to worry about a populist revolt.

Do professional investors prefer one structure vs another?
Do you favour one over the other in general or does it have to be case-by-case?
Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on September 01, 2020
Q: Morning Peter and Team,
The National, a Abu-Dhabi based publication, recently published an article stating that several of Alibab's biggest investors in the States (all institutional investors) had swapped billions of dollars in Alibaba's US shares for Hong Kong-listed stocks to avoid potential sanctions and delistings of big Chinese tech companies.
Please comment on how would the process of delisting Chinese stocks from US markets work and and how likely do you see this coming to fruition? Also should it indeed come to past, what would happen to the shares of Chinese tech stocks that were already bought through the US exchanges prior to delisting taking place?
Finally are there ways where retail investors can access overseas stock markets such as the Hongkong Exchanges (HKEX)?
Best regards and thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on August 31, 2020
Q: Hi, are you willing to comment on a macro issue of the economy? I am perplexed by the housing market where volume of sales and prices seem to be hitting highs in some Canadian urban centers (not Alberta). Lumber companies are doing well. The long term Covid impact on the economy and jobs seems murky at best. Why is there so much confidence in the Canadian housing market? Due to historically low interest rates and some pent up demand? Federal policies designed to prop up the economy? I keep thinking this is all going to end badly if the jobs aren’t there to pay those mortgages. Appreciate your service. You may post this question publicly if you feel it’s Of general interest.
Read Answer Asked by Calvin on August 28, 2020
Q: The question and answer section today do not show the company name pertaining to the question, This is very confusing and make me loose interest in continuing reading this section.
I hope this could be corrected very soon
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on August 26, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
I just received your article on the Canada Pension Plan fund. Thanks very much for taking the trouble to send that out. One of the things that struck me on the top thirty holdings of this successful fund, is that the only Canadian holding in that category is wsp global. i am wondering the reason why? I am sure that they are close to this organization and have some idea of their plans? Do you think they believe that having this company in the top thirty indicates that they have above average hopes for its future expansion?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 26, 2020
Q: When a company goes fro TSXV. to TSX what is advantage.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 25, 2020
Q: General question on asset allocation. I'm an income investor that is planning to live off distributions in the future. Portfolio analysis shows that I'm underweight in technology by about 8%. I'm overweight in the traditional dividend areas (financials, utilities ect).
With so few technology companies that pay decent dividends, does it make sense to stretch and pick a few for diversity when much more stable dividend payers exist in the sectors I'm overweight in? It would appear to me that there is some risk here in diversifying?


Read Answer Asked by Joe on August 25, 2020
Q: Peter,
I came across the following share certificates. Does your research sources show anything re what happened to these companies ?

Tyon Gold Mines Limited - 1000 shares - August 14,1947
Norpax Nickel Mines Limited 1,500 shares Jan 8,1962
Crowpat Minerals Limited - 1,000 shares Jan 8,1962.

They were each issued from trust companies located in Toronto.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by paul on August 24, 2020
Q: In answer to Paul's question re free on-line stock screener for Euro dividend payers, you can refer him to the post "Euro Dividend Payers" in the Forums. Hope that helps.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on August 24, 2020