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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: for some reason you guys do not seem to want to do a growth portfolio,you keep saying you might do one in the future,i think a great many of your subscribers are under 50 and would appreciate a growth portfolio, since a growth portfolio will probably be much more volatile than your model and income portfolio and would give the younger people a lot more time to overcome the dips a growth portfolio might, I repeat might bring.
having said this could you please give me your top 5 picks for growth in the next year. thanks. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on July 21, 2014
Q: Knight Therapeutics (GUD) Could I have your thoughts on GUD as it seems to be in a steady decline recently. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team! Most of my investments are large cap stocks and I hold a well diversified portfolio. My TFSA represents a small portion of my overall portfolio and I'd like to add 3-4 stocks with some strong growth potential recognizing of course that I would be assuming some risk. Could you recommend some names for consideration at this time? Thank you, Ian
Read Answer Asked by Ian on July 16, 2014