Would you kindly compare and contrast these two stocks and let us know if you have a preference for either or would you recommend something else. Thank you!
Q: Do you feel every portfolio should have at least one Gold Company?
What is the importance of owning a gold company? The long term track record of most Gold Mining companies does't look that compelling. I know that you have mentioned it as a hedge/protection, but even in 2009 Gold companies went down with the rest of the market.
Is just to ensure proper diversification?
When I look at AEM compared to FNV I like the past performance of FNV, but does it provide the same diversification
If it is your recommendation to have as part of any well constructed portfolio, what percentage should be with a Gold company. Just one full position?
Q: hello 5i:
would the 2 companies above be 2 of your favourites in the pm space? I note that there hasn't been much interest in OSK (at least on the 5i question space) since earlier in 2017. Why would that be? Out of favour? Do you think these names will outperform XGD?
Paul L
Q: What do you think of this company? I own the XGD but thought of this name as a decent derivative/alternative play on gold. The plant looks to be at capacity and baring no major weather issue (flooding) in Peru, I'm hopeful it will post good y/y results in 2018. Thanks.
Q: What is your outlook for CS (2-3 years). Small portion of my portfolio and I am down. Trying to do some portfolio cleaning early in the year. Should I sell, hold or add ? I don t need the money and have other liquidity in the portfolio. Thanks.
Q: I have a question about Gold. Specifically I would understand gold to a be good risk hedge against rising interest rates. Looking to take a position in one or more gold companies with some potential for growth....any suggestions would be appreciated. Maybe a couple higher risk small caps and also some big players....Gold Corp seems like they are doing well recently.
Q: Please comment on current status of this company as possible buy for tfsa account moderate risk to spec buy ok
Are they in production yet at their Nova Scotia mine?
Thank you
Q: Lac saw a significant sell off last week after announcing paperwork being prepared on both sides of border for possible financing and confirmation as well as final date it will list on NYSE. I'm curious if you can tell me if either of these would have caused the sell off or if one or the other or neither. Your thought are appreciated. Either way I picked up more at the bottom.
Q: I currently have a half position in CXI, I also have an almost full position in ECN. CXI isn't doing very much and I was thinking of moving the funds from CXI to ECN. Which one has the better potential?
I have Aegon ADR for a few years now. It is now moving in the right direction, but I am still down on it (in SDRSP). Is it worth holding or do you have some other International Financial companies that you think are better?
Lastly I have a half position in Alacer. Is it worth hanging on to, or would a switch to FNV or Anigco be better?
Q: Given the recent event at Teck (Jan 19th) with the possible effect of slowing production, would you suggest holding or selling a portion of the stock. I’m up about 30% at this point. It is a small portion of my portfolio.