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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I am looking at buying minimum rate preferred share trust units in BEP and BIP and similar to the common shares a portion of the distribution is return on capital. I will hold them in an RRSP account. I am trying to better understand what ROC actually is. It almost sounds like it is just returning part of your capital invested back to you. If so, is it a ‘real return’ to the shareholder or just getting part of your money back. If so, what is the attraction? I’m confused. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 01, 2019
Q: Sorry for this repeat question. I have a bunch of cash in CAN and US dollar accounts that I want to be more productive and I cannot find the right ticker symbols.

Last year there were several question/answers regarding money markets from TD Waterhouse for both countries. Are you able to find
those ticker symbols?
Read Answer Asked by joe on March 28, 2019