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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Yesterday I asked for a recommendation for US fixed income and you suggested tlt. I have to say that I don’t have a good understanding of fixed income. So I was wondering if you could tell me why this particular etf is your choice in this environment? I suppose I am asking for a course on fixed income, a large request. So, if there is some resource you could direct me to, that would be fine.
Read Answer Asked by joseph on September 27, 2019
Q: Could you pls recommend a couple of US Bond Funds ETFs which can be purchased in Canadian dollars. They do not need to be hedged, Thanks
Read Answer Asked by gary on September 25, 2019
Q: I am selling my home and moving, have not yet found a new place to live, so I will have a lot of cash to park for an unknown length of time. My plan would be to do a high interest savings account at Oaktree or buy the purpose ETF. My wife will kill me if I lose any capital…
Do you have any better ideas?
Read Answer Asked by Nick on September 24, 2019
Q: Hi Team,
Could you please provide your take on the US Fed's recent interventions in the repurchase (repo) sector (overnight money loans). I understand this likely means the US Federal Reserve will resume buying more Treasury debt, expanding its balance sheet (a.k.a. quantitative easing). I don't fully appreciate what this means but am curious if you have any opinion on its significance to Canadian investors and their portfolios.
Many thanks, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 19, 2019
Q: My question involves whether to sell Xhy to buy more bkln making about 3% of my RRIF , as higher risk income. My understanding is that senior loans are less risky should the economy slow but still provide a good dividend. Is ther an alternative senior bond etf which you would prefer?
Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 13, 2019
Q: Hi 5i
I purchased this etf for my mom. Can you tell me:
1) would 5i expect it to trade below its one year expected yield return from dec 31,2019 to dec 31 2020?
2) Mom’s capital position is currently underwater. What is 5is best guess for the closing price of each share dec 31, 2020?
3. I’m trying to assess the overall risk of the etf. How would this ETF do if a recession broke out in 2020?
4. Can you recommend a better replacement? Why is this better?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kat on September 12, 2019
Q: Please rate these as BUY; HOLD; or IGNORE. My purpose, of course, is market down turn protection.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 26, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Team

Further to questions on parking cash, all the discount brokerages offer "High Interest Savings Account" mutual funds which are CDIC insured deposit accounts for the various subsidiaries of the bank.
Each of these is insured to $100k under CDIC, therefore you are able to segregate $400k under CDIC insurance in one brokerage account.
I am most familiar with RBC Direct Investing and TD Direct Investing, each offer 4 separate subsidiary companies with CDIC coverage. Other discount brokerages may only offer 1 option. A list is available on-line at:
The benefit of using these in your brokerage account are having cash available for other security purchases and the value is included for calculating available margin (loan value). The interest is paid monthly and can be reinvested automatically.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 22, 2019
Q: Follow-up to Shirley's question about high interest savings accounts, best rates and Manitoba locales. I use rate hub to get best rates. Location only enters the picture if you are investing more than $100k. Manitoba offers unlimited coverage where elsewhere is covered by CDIC $100k. Once you select the institution you want to deal with, call them to get details on setting up an account and to get comfortable with their operation. Manitoba credit unions generally have regular office hours customer service (no weekends).
Read Answer Asked on August 22, 2019
Q: In response to Ian's remarks about parking money, he mentioned the Manitoba locals. Could you elaborate on how one can invest in Manitoba?
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on August 21, 2019
Q: Good morning, I am noticing more recommendations lately for longer term bond ETFs i.e XLB and TLT. I have traditionally been using CBO, XBB along with some preferreds (regrettably) and a small amount of XHY. Should this old retiree consider any change in fixed income holdings? Thanks for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Ted on August 20, 2019