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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: SNV Us listed. Any opinion on this company Peter?
Read Answer Asked by James on December 14, 2012
Q: BOCH - Bank Commerce Holdings in CA. Would this be a good buy for a long -term appreciation Peter?
Read Answer Asked by James on December 14, 2012
Q: CF. In the hopes that M&A activity may pick up in 2013, do you like this company moving forward, in that it could stand to pick up more business in a heightened M&A environment? Does the purchase they themselves made a couple years ago in the UK still hold them back (bearing in mind that half their staff - if memory serves - jumped ship soon after the deal closed). Thanks for all your excellent advice and extremely thorough replies.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on December 12, 2012
Q: Hi. I own the preferred shares, TD.PR.O, for which TD has the redemption option of redeeming the shares after Nov 1, 2010 at a premium & after October 31, 2014 for C$25. No ware on the TD web site can I find what “at a premium means”. Do you know what the premium value would be? Thanks for your help. … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on December 08, 2012
Q: Info only to 5i members. Just read this on Motley Fool website:

Probably explains in part why we are members of 5i Research.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on December 07, 2012
Q: Wondering about your current thoughts on Fiera Capital Corp. I have an existing position, and am wondering if you feel now is a good time to buy more. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 07, 2012
Q: Peter, Love the site and will definitely renew. Recently retired and have been moving to income over the past year. I feel I'm underweight financials (CM, BMO, TMC and ANGC total 17%) and am considering CIM-N (Chimera). What do you think, or do you have a better idea.
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on December 07, 2012
Q: Hi Peter and 5i team

What do you think of Jovian Capital (JOV). They are issuing a $3.00 special dividend and you have to hold until after the settlement date (Dec 14) to get it. What do you think will happen to the share price after the settlement?


Read Answer Asked by Ross on November 28, 2012
Q: Peter; Could you suggest a ETF that tracks the U..S financials , weighted to the banks? I am not concerned about currency hedging. Thanks.. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on November 27, 2012
Q: What do you think about using Covered Call ETFs like ZWA,ZWU or ZWB for example. I manage my own accts thru CIBC IE and it costs too much to write my own CC against my positions.
Read Answer Asked by James on November 02, 2012
Q: Hello Peter, What are your thoughts on Premium Income Corp. (PIC.A)? Are the dividends sustainable? Buy Sell or Hold? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Max on October 24, 2012