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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter what do you think of COUNSEL CORP (CXS) earnings from last evening? Should it be bought at current levels ($2.50)? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on August 15, 2013
Q: EQI...Are the current results in line with your expectations?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Glen on August 14, 2013
Q: Mcan mortgage (MKP) had a big drop today after they announced their earnings! Do you think this company is still worth holding or is this a sell?
Read Answer Asked by phil on August 13, 2013
Q: Could you please comment on Fiera Capital's (FSZ)earnings release issued this morning? Thank you, Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 13, 2013
Q: Fiera Capital (FSZ) has shown surprising share price upside during the last few months on modest volumes. Recent pullback has also been noticed. What would you suggest be an appropriate entry price for a hold of 18 to 24 months? In your view what would fuel any likely price appreciation? I consult your site every day. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Georges on August 12, 2013
Q: Dear Team: I want to buy 1 call option contract for BAC for January 2015 at $15.00 in my TFSA.
Today that would cost about 1.78. I know you only want to do Cdn stocks, so if you do not
want to give an opinion on doing this for BAC do you have a better suggestion which would be
Cdn? I bot your portfolio, and my jaw drops as I watch many of those stocks!! (like CSU or MG or Valeant) Thanks so much for your support. Jean
Read Answer Asked by jean on August 08, 2013
Q: Hi Peter:
I bought some HCG at around 53 while the hedge fund managers were shorting this stock
It has recovered nicely and today, it went up again nicely

Where do one find the volume of short positions on this stock?
I made a nice profit, I am tempted to exit or the momentum of HCG is real? pays a small dividend too! Thanks for recommending this stock!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 08, 2013
Q: Hello 5i Team,
What are your comments on the announcement that the US Government has launched a law suit against BAC. I'm in this one for a long term hold so not too concerned about volatility as I think the price will increase in the future.

Also I should ask if you think BAC is a good long term play in the US financials or o you think others will fair better? Perhaps a US financial ETF with a small grouping?

Thanks again for all your comments, replies and work.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 08, 2013
Q: Further to my earlier question about First National Financial (FN-T), I note that your previous analyses about FN said that the dividend payout ratio in the first quarter of 2013 was 132% up from 103% the previous year. The most recent RBC Capital Market foundation report on FN indicates that it was 68.6% in 2012 and estimates it to be 54.2% in 2013. Why such a discrepancy? As always, I look forward to your views.
Read Answer Asked by richard on August 06, 2013
Q: I would appreciate your assessment of the impact of the proposed restriction in mortgage guarantees from CMHC on First National Financial (FN-T). Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by richard on August 06, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,

What are your thoughts on the JP Morgan Tarp Warrants, JPM.WS currently at $17.43/share. The exercise price is $42 until October 2018. Currently JPM is at 56.00, say 57, therefore my break even is 17.43+42 = $59.43/share until October 2018. One could with some degree of confidence say that JPM should be higher than 60.00/share by October 2018 even assuming their current 6.00 EPS for the next 5 years.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on August 05, 2013
Q: bHi Peter and team

Could you comment on the the First National preferred share, FN.PR.A. At the current price of 16.00 it yields 7.27% which seems high. It is a rate reset and converts to Floating Rate at 207 bps over the GOC 5 year index in 2016. So it has some inflation protection. Is there a risk here that I don't see. Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Ross on August 05, 2013
Q: AI vs EQI...They are trading at roughly the same price...How would you compare their value?Do you know both management teams?
Read Answer Asked by Glen on August 04, 2013
Q: I'm looking at CXS and thinking about picking up a position. I understand its expensive, but growing quickly. What are relevant multiples for this industry (EV/EBITDA, P/E, etc.) and where is CXS currently trading? What kind of growth is expected in the balance of this year and in the following years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 03, 2013
Q: Hi
Could you please give me your thoughts on Counsel Corp, CSX.TO
I am thinking of trimming my recent gains in Home Cap. to pick up this little beauty.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on August 02, 2013