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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning 5i,
I own E-L Financial Corp's preferred shares ELF.PR.F, which I bought 4 years ago yielding 5.5% at the time. The shares are now lower and yield almost 6%, so I'm thinking of adding more to my portfolio (currently a 1% weighting). Other than interest rate risk, is there anything about this particular issue that would not make it a good candidate for long-term income? Many thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 26, 2013
Q: CHW - buying back stock again! Is this a prudent move at this stage. Would appreciate your opinion on this Co.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 23, 2013
Q: Hello 5i Team. I am thinking at purchasing KKR and GS and would appreciate your opinion on these two US stocks.
Read Answer Asked by John on August 22, 2013
Q: Hi 5i I have a 1.8% weighting in Aston Hill, I'm down approx.
10% I'm thinking of bringing the weighting up to 3%. I usually buy my stocks in 3 purchases until I have a 5% percent weighting
if the stock justifies it. What are your thoughts onAston Hill
Thx Gerry
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on August 22, 2013
Q: First National Financial (FN) has an average volume of 17,566 shares traded. Today, it traded 1,120,311 shares, up 47 cents. Have any idea what is going on here?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 20, 2013
Q: Your opinion on EGI Financial please.

Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on August 19, 2013
Q: Good morning,
I have been hearing if interest rates rise bank stocks would be a good place to be. What is your opinion on ZEB verses individual bank stocks or a similar ETF. thanks......Carl
Read Answer Asked by Carl on August 19, 2013
Q: I am a new member. What is your opinion of Mortgage Investment Corps? Could you comment on the 2 that I hold. Firm Capital (FC) and Timbercreek (TMC).
Read Answer Asked by William James (Jim) on August 19, 2013
Q: Can you please give me your opinion on Loyds Banking
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on August 17, 2013
Q: You last commented on AGF Management in May. The company has been on a tear lately, pays a high dividend, and appears to be very popular with investors. I would appreciate an update. Would it be a good hold in an income portfolio for the long haul?
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on August 16, 2013
Q: Hi Guys! What are your thoughts on DFN for income?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on August 16, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I know its way too early to discuss Third Point Re, TPRE as a company, however, knowing that the CEO is a veteran and their Chief Investor is Dan Loeb, do you think this could be a long term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Graham on August 15, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, I have held CWB for many years, and while I appreciate its stability, I need my money to work harder than the return I have seen for the past few years. Would you endorse a switch of some these funds to EQI? I already have some EQI. CWB=6%, EQI=2.5% currently.
Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by JAIME on August 15, 2013