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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter & 5i: My discount broker's site shows Fiera Capital (FSZ) as last having gone ex dividend November 22, 2012, for a dividend that was paid out in December. It also lists FSZ as paying its dividends quarterly, most recently at 8 cents. It's now more than three months since the last ex dividend date and I haven't seen any announcements about the next one. Did I just miss it or is FSZ instituting a payment pattern change? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lance on March 11, 2013
Q: Reading your response on National bank (NA) dating Feb 21, 2013, you were right on the money re its growth outlook. Their financial results were somewhat "boring" - neither up/nor down which is in-line with your comments. Other than distributino of dividends (and possibly peace of mind), would you see any other reason to own this stock. Some of the other banks such as TD and RBC seem to be firing on all cylinders. And would Scotia or one of the other banks probably offer a good mix between National Bank and one at the opposite extreme? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on March 07, 2013
Q: Have you ever looked at Olympia Financial (OLY)? I've held it for a couple of years and collect a nice 7% yield. Growth seems slack and the stock sits around $40. Any growth prospects here? And is the dividend sustainable? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Noel on March 05, 2013
Q: Hi, Peter and team,

A year or two ago, a friend and I were dsicussing the US financial sector and came to the conclusion that as long as the stock did not "die", it should bounce back as time goes on. Based on this thesis, I started research on a few names e.g. BAC, MS, Wells Fargo etc. and was ready to take the plunge. Then I heard some fund Manager on BNN saying that the US banks were still risky although the PE, Price to Book..... look good because nobody really know what's on their books exactly. That stopped me cold on my track.
Fast forward to now, all the US banks have leap and bounced to recent new highs. My big question: should I "chase" these stocks since their fundamentals (e.g. P to B) still saying they are "cheap"
Read Answer Asked by paul on February 26, 2013
Q: This is a followup to the question just answered re financial sector weighting - you suggested either FIE or SFN - I see the yield on FIE is double that of XFN - can you give some background on that - does it increase risk in some way ? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on February 26, 2013
Q: May I have your views on GMP which I bought at a much higher price! Should I hold?
Read Answer Asked by Margot on February 20, 2013
Q: I have had a good run with WESPAC BANKING CORP (WBK: New York)in my TFSA, & notice that it generally seasonally "tops out" on Mar 1st or April 1st of each yr. Should one sell some or all in advance of Mar01, 2013, or just ride it out?
Thanks in anticipation, Best wishes, Paul.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 18, 2013
Q: Urbana corp...urb and urb.a...Do you have any comments on the company and which would be the better buy...if it was a buy?
Read Answer Asked by Glen on February 15, 2013
Q: Would you give your view on FIE.A. It holds canadian banks, some reits and insurance companies. Dividend sames OK.I currently hold it in my investment acct.
Thanks Harold.
Read Answer Asked by Harold on January 24, 2013
Hi there. I purchased DFN awhile back thinking that with such a high yield and relative correlation to the TSX that it would appreciate with the Index when it turned around - but this is not happening. I certainly can't complain about the yield, but the the idea of the purchase was to see share price appreciation with the TSX in general. I know my description of the components is over generalizing...but you get my drift.
Should I sell this stock and look into another area - if so which area that you cover would be a suitable replacement?

Thanks so much for your time!
Read Answer Asked by Norman on January 21, 2013