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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: MFC Manulife- I have been an owner through the ups and then the downs - will the managaers- get this business turned around. After all that I have been through is this a hold? or time to move on.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on April 07, 2013
Q: Hey Peter. Masterful job on MarketCall.

Question on strategy: Seeing the larger discount, than its historical average compared to its peers, I am accumulating a position in National Bank. If I get to a full position (5% of my portfolio) and the large discount remains compared to its peers, would you overweight National Bank or would you start accumulating a second bank, as they also seem to look attractive at these levels. Currently National Bank is my only financial.
Read Answer Asked by john on April 04, 2013
Q: FSZ has performed very well since your last report (& upgrade). Would you be a buyer at current prices; would you trim a little?
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on April 01, 2013
Q: I am interested in your opinion on proposals that systemically important Canadian banks may adopt bail-in provisions such that uninsured deposits would not be bailed out by the Government - I believe Canadians have always assumed the Feds would bail out a big 6 Canadian bank but recent discussions in the aftermath of Cyprus seem to call this assumption into question
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 01, 2013
Q: Hey, Peter.

I'm thinking about starting a position in National Bank (NA). It looks like it is by far the "cheapest" of the Canadian banks. I see that it is expected to make $8.61 per share in 2014. It is unrealistic to expect it to trade at a 9.5 2014 p/e multiple giving it a rough share price of $81.80 (representing a 10%+ capital gain)?
Read Answer Asked by john on March 27, 2013
Q: Would like your comment on AFG.B. Dividend is high. Can it be sustained.?
Read Answer Asked by Ernie on March 26, 2013
Q: What are your thoughts on Flaherty & Crumrine Investment Grade fixed income fund,FFI. Thank you. Jack
Read Answer Asked by Jack on March 23, 2013
Q: Do you see the sell-off in the banks having further to run or would you recommend accumulating at these levels? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 21, 2013
Q: Hi I am wondering if you have any views on PennyMac Mortgage Investment (PMT). It's got a good dividend yield for my US portfolio. Any insights would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 13, 2013
Q: "Fiera Capital Corporation, manager of The Fiera Capital QSSP II Investment Fund Inc. (the ''Fund''), announces its first offering of Class A shares, Series 2013 of the Fund.
The first offering will begin on Tuesday March 26, 2013 and is expected to end on April 2nd, 2013." Is this positive for FSZ? It looks like it will open today down ~4%.
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on March 13, 2013
Q: I have a strategy question about the merits in investing in life insurance companies. I simplistically see this business as two businesses - life insurance and investment. If the results from each sector were available, I would ask whether the return from the life insurance business is good. My next question would be whether I could do as well with investments. I wonder whether an insurance company devotes the same level of investment expertise as would a business devoted to managing a comparable portfolio or relies more on third party analysis eg rating agencies.
Read Answer Asked by Carl on March 12, 2013
Q: Your update on Equity Financial EQI raises in my mind a strategy question about investing in mortgage finance companies. I figure that these portfolios consist of 2nds with high loan to value. Why invest in these (having no upside) instead of a high quality REIT. While the sector is different, I see it as fundamentally investing in the same asset - real estate. Chances are that, with 2nds, the collateral and covenant value would be second rate. Moreover, their supply depends on brokers whose business is based on volume, not quality.
Read Answer Asked by Carl on March 12, 2013