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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: pwc: I holding PWC and it is supposed to be getting some charter designation this May which is going to help it on the long road back up. I know it is very small, and co is very optimistic.. What do you think of it as a HOLD? Helen
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 30, 2013
Q: I visit your site regularly; it is my main source for investing advice and information. I have a question on financials. I am currently underweight financials (4%) in the form of BNS. I am thinking it is time to consider increasing my weighting. I could add to BNS, which I like for it's global exposure, or diversify by adding TD for exposure to the US. I would appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on April 20, 2013
Q: HI, a bit of a long shot here, but do you have any insight into Guardian Capital (gcg)? The stock hardly ever trades at all yet their earnings growth and balance sheet seem pretty good. Could this be taken private? Also any idea why they own so many shares of BMO. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on April 18, 2013
Q: Hi Peter
NA National Bank is off its years high by close to 10%. I started initiating a position yesterday and am considering adding the rest today or tomorrow. { currently down $1.06 today } Is there any reason for this drop in price other than the market pullback ? Just want to make sure before I pull the trigger. This will bring my portfolio financial sector to a little under 10% when the additional buy is made.
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 17, 2013
Q: Regarding your latest report on Aston Hill Financial, since the bulk of their business appears to be in mutual funds, is this not a "sunset" industry since so many investors are migrating to ETFs?

What are your opinions on investing in mutual fund companies directly without ever actually buying their funds? For example, a top holding of CDZ (Canadian Dividend Aristocrats ETF)is AGF since it pays such a high dividend, yet many analysts don't like AGF at all.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 17, 2013
Q: What are your thoughts on Urbana Corp (urb.a), a closed end fund with a number of interesting financials in it. The Net asset value is much higher than the share price right now. Is there value here?
Read Answer Asked by Frank on April 17, 2013
Q: What to you think FAY.UN will do in terms of does it mirror the stock market or the bond market. When interest rates rise will this get crushed? Yield is huge, and seems to be steady. Cheers.
Read Answer Asked by Boris on April 08, 2013