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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have had GSY in my TFSA for a number of years and am pleased with the performance. For this year’s TFSA contribution I am torn between adding to GSY or starting a new position in PRL. I’m concerned about PRL’s steep runup recently and the potential for a sharp decline once I buy (of course!). I actually don’t mind a short term decline as I am intending this as a longterm hold but I do have concerns about catching the PRL wave as it crests. Given the metrics between these two and the current buy price, what are your thoughts on these two - GSY for it’s stellar track record or PRL for outperformance in growth. Thanks for your thoughts!
Read Answer Asked by Warren on April 16, 2024
Q: I hold Upstart Holdings. It is down 80% from when I bought it. I have continued to hold it as I am hoping it may bounce when rates go down. And with its AI model, am hoping it could do quite well when lending picks up. But I see you really like Propel Holdings and, while a Canadian company, it sounds like most of its business is in the US. Could you compare and contrast the two companies? Would you favor a swap from Upstart to Propel? I also hold Goeasy in the space. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 16, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
Current shareholder 2% position...Rather shocked by the 50% sp drop when i checked Friday Apr 12. As far as I can tell there is a short report released by fuzzy panda ..... Is there any validity to the fraud claims being made and how should one react to this news.... The share price drop seems rather extreme, however at this point what line of action should one take.....sell, hold, buy.
Generally i would expect a "wait and see what happens in the short term" as a reasonable action..... however i would appreciate your opinion on the situation. How do you see this playing out and what would 5I do.

Read Answer Asked by jim on April 15, 2024
Q: Hello, What is the reason for the generally tame performance of these two stocks? Is this mainly interest rate related. Can you please let me know on your thoughts and discuss the reasons to hold or not hold them for the long term. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Shyam on April 13, 2024
Q: Good morning Peter, Ryan, and 5i Team,

How significant is the ESG backlash in many US states to Canadian banks that have large US operations?

A recent article in the Globe & Mail “Canadian banks caught in ESG backlash from U.S. state officials” outlines this unfortunate (in my opinion) trend.

The article refers to TD in particular, but lists large US banks that have also been impacted by this anti-ESG stance.

Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 12, 2024
Q: Not sure if this is a legit question for you. When there was a class action lawsuit on XBC, you indicated in an answer to one of your members that it wasn't worth your time. Would you mind giving your opinion about the TD Class Action lawsuit, covering the period December 3, 2015 to March 9, 2017. I can only verify that I held 153 shares. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 11, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Two-part question... What is your take on the news today of Propel launching an insurance product? Do you have any further details on this, and do you feel it will be a lucrative addition to the business with growth potential? Also, EQB today had news of a 300 million deposit this a significant event for the company?

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 10, 2024
Q: With the goal of adding good quality growth stocks and using your suggestions ( thank you ), some time back I added BN and GSY to my cash account which is full of telecom, pipes, banks and utilities. I am now looking at these four with my thoughts on them : EQB, Stephen Smith is the main reason I am liking this company . I am overweight banks already- should this factor into the equation ?
CALF, the small cap sector should be getting interesting if rates decline and I could use more US exposure. TFII, management can’t be beat but the industry is suffering ( good or bad for TFII? ),
best to wait and see how industry shakes out?
XIT, ( have 10% portfolio exposure with a US tech ETF ) has significant CSU exposure.

Is my thinking clear? Any single addition would be approximately 3% portfolio weighting. In what order would you buy ? Am looking at buying 2 immediately. Any you wouldn’t buy ?
Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on April 10, 2024
Q: I am thinking of liquidating15% of my stock portfolio and putting it into a managed cryptocurrency account. I am hoping to achieve some accelerated returns, as well as diversifying my holdings. What are your thoughts on this idea (assuming I use a reputable and competent management company)?
Read Answer Asked by ROB on April 10, 2024
Q: Just some info re Shane’s asking why prl jumped. When discussing gsy top pick on bnn guest said the only financial exposure needed in Canada was gsy and prl. Given small cap status this side comment might have driven some buying hence a gap up.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 09, 2024
Q: I have been reading questions on PRL as well as the company report. After reading the company profile I don't really understand the business . Though I did glean they lend money . Please explain why I would prefer to use them over my bank ?
Reading from their website Creditfresh partners with banks to provide loans. Banks lend money . What does PRL bring to the table that the bank doesn't offer ? Why would a bank want to partner with them ? Moneykey provides unsecured loans and lines of credit. So does a bank .... What does PRL do to make a better experience ? The same question for Fora which appears to be the same as Moneykey only centred in Canada ?

What I am trying to understand is the business model and why a consumer would use them over a conventional financial institution ..... I've never heard of this business nor have I ever seen them advertise.... Banks do a lot of advertising in an attempt to take business away from each other ..... So I can't figure out how Joe Sixpack would know of their existence and why he might take his credit needs to them ?
Thanks in advance for your always sound advice ..... Garth
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 09, 2024