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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My son is in his mid-thirties and has very limited time available to actively follow/trade the markets. He is looking for a simple, passive investment portfolio with very broad exposure, a modest dividend focus, and that is rebalanced, ideally, once a year. Can you comment on the following proposed portfolio and allocations, assuming about $100k? Are there any alternatives he should consider? Should he modify his approach in a TSFA/RRSP? Thanks.

VAB - 20% (Canadian bonds)
VCN - 15% (Canadian equity)
VDY - 15% (Canadian dividend)
VXC - 50% (Global equity excluding Canada)
Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on June 06, 2016
Q: 'We’re in a bubble': Record home sales in Toronto and Vancouver intensify fears of overheating.
This is all I have been reading for the past few weeks, coupled with bank CEO's stating that Ottawa should be taking necessary steps to regulate mortgages.
I cannot but think back while visiting in Florida 8 years ago, it was evidenced the very same concerns, a massive real estate bubble, I for one could not believe the construction real estate growth that was happening.
Within two years the bubble did break, and although mtge backed securities caused the massive financial problems the US continues to struggle.
My question is "should real estate collapses in Vancouver and Toronto, will this not create a major recession". What is 5i opinion going forward. As investors should we be taking the necessary steps to put some protection on.
I would appreciate you usual candid opinion and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Rick on June 06, 2016
Q: Given today's market and the expectation of a US rate hike, could you identify 5 ETF's that you would be comfortable with to provide safety of principal and income. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on June 03, 2016
Q: My question was on cannacord. Bought at $11.00 earnings don't look good and compensation is an issue. What company in the same space would fit as a replacement. I think I have dead money for a while. What in your opinion would be a fair takeover price.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on June 03, 2016
Q: Ours is a very conservative portfolio, with one third in dividend-paying equities, half of that individual stocks and half no-load funds. The latter's performance doesn't seem to justify the MER's so I would like to reduce, maybe eliminate, that cost, roughly $5,000 per year. Any thoughts you might have on how best to effect that change and what form that should take, eg less funds, more stocks and/or ETF's, will be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on June 01, 2016
Q: Hi,
There's something I just don't get.

If banks make their money by borrowing short term money (e.g. at .25%) and lending at long term rates (e.g. at 1.75%), then if the short term rates are raised (as is so often spoken about when discussing the FED), and long term rates cannot be controlled by the FED, then why do I constantly hear analysts say that when the FED raises rates it's going to be good for the banks? esp. since I believe such a move would curtail inflation and inflation is not a big threat anyway and as I understand it, long term rates mainly go up in conjunction with the expectation of inflation?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 31, 2016
Q: I have held a position in PWF for several years and have been disappointed recently. I fear it is collateral damage to low interest rates and too much exposure to that dinosaur of the 21st century - the mutual fund. Maybe it is time for me to move on but think there may be some link between PWF and Wealthsimple. I think the last mentioned may be a privately held recent start-up in the fin-tech space. Could you help me , please. Thank you for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 24, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan
I have held HSBC for several years and am down about 40%. It is in a registered account and provides a good dividend. I have some US cash in the account and am considering adding to it. Do you think the dividend is sustainable?Do you think this is a worthwhile move? I realize you don't cover ADRs but your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on May 24, 2016