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Investment Q&A

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Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I must admit that most financial lending or managing institutions who specialize in some type of financial engineering make me nervous...Canadian Banks excluded! Please give me your assessment of this company...would you classify it as a respectable contra play or just a bad idea? Ha!Ha!
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on May 01, 2017
Q: The authorities knew if they dd anything home capital would have issues. I thought it would skate through with a fine and a few firings. Why bring down the whole company? Check the mortgages determine the default rate and then decide what to do.Announce action everyone deserts Home Capital gics and the company swirls into the bowl. Hoop insider probably knows the default rate ponies up the money.Please explain.
Read Answer Asked by ian on May 01, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
With regards to the question posed to you for HCG by one of your members, i can relate to the frustration and disappointment that your team did not see it coming. However, at the same time, as investors, we have to realize that you can only advise based on the data you have available. Past data can be used as input to determine Future company or sector trends, but cannot guarantee success as no one can predict the future. I think it is best to focus on how we can avoid such stocks in the future given great metrics in the past (HCG had high ROE, decent PE etc ) and all of a sudden we start hearing issues with the company. Can you please shed light on what investors can watch for to avoid such pitfalls? I am using your service, watch BNN, read newspapers and other letters along with placing stop losses to minimize downside. From what i have seen, it is best to stick to decent paying dividend stocks like BCE, SLF, Banks, etc Growth stocks just seem to have too much hidden which comes to surface later or they are targets for short sellers. Thanks for your valuable input.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on April 28, 2017
Q: Isn't it a a bit too coincidental that we learn that both Royal Bank and BMO are selling uninsured mortgage backed securities, a few days before the Home Capital death spiral? You have an optimistic bias, and typically trusting towards management, so I speculate that you will answer that there is nothing much to think of it, but could you take a distrusting view on this (without being paranoid) and guess what could have motivated them to do that?
Read Answer Asked by Matt on April 27, 2017
Q: With the demise of HCG there is plenty of blame to share. I am disappointed with 5I continuing to maintain its rating of B+ right to the end. You extensive experience in the field did nothing for your subscribers. As with most other advisory services your tune only changed when it was far too late to make a difference. I can add DH to the comments. It was only my own common sense and intuition that protected me in both cases. I hope 5I does some soul searching and simply does not write this one off as another miss.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 27, 2017