Q: I enjoyed your Small Cap essay. I had to get to pg4 to know which small cap indices you were using. Pg4 & beyond said MSCI, but which MSCI?
Why would you compare a Financial & resource heavy Tsx to ,say, IWO or any MSCI small cap.
You have been a long term IWO advocate. Is there a C$ ETF that would provide access to IWO stocks as VUS/VUN do For access VTI?
Also can you suggest ETFs in any currency that follow MSCI Indices?
I ask few questions, but follow with interest your daily stream. Thanks for what you do
Why would you compare a Financial & resource heavy Tsx to ,say, IWO or any MSCI small cap.
You have been a long term IWO advocate. Is there a C$ ETF that would provide access to IWO stocks as VUS/VUN do For access VTI?
Also can you suggest ETFs in any currency that follow MSCI Indices?
I ask few questions, but follow with interest your daily stream. Thanks for what you do