Q: Other than Horizon's BetaPro ETFs, are there any other leveraged ETFs that trade on Canadian markets? I am looking for something similar to TNA / TZA, but trading in Canadian dollars.
I'm looking for an ETF that holds a small number of high quality Canadian stocks - say about 25 holdings. A yield similar to XIC or XIU would be nice but not critical.
HBF and DXG are a couple of ETF examples that I use for US and international companies. So something similar to these but holding Canadian companies. I don't mind paying a slightly higher MER for a somewhat more active portfolio management style.
Q: I have too much exposure to the CAD market and too less internationally.
Could you provide me with 2 etfs that have caught your attention the past 12-24 months. One which is A growth oriented etf with more risk as well as another which is a slow boring low MER etf with a 2-3% yield which less risk.
Q: I would very much appreciate explaining the difference between ARK and Evolve Etf's. Are ARKs actively managed while Evolves are passively managed? Would you please choose two or three of each that have a balance between better growth and lower risk and provide good diversification.
As a more conservative investor but looking for growth. Volatility no problem and some risk ok.
I don't view these in the same light. 22 year time frame.
I have anchored my portfolio TFSA / RRSP with ETF'S.
The TSX are blue-chip dividend stocks for added
stability and ATD.B, BAM.A, GSY, KXS
Could you please rate my prospective ETF'S. Which would you invest in for this time frame and much needed boost for my portfolio. Or one that I missed?
Q: Looking for feedback on a couple Fidelity Funds. Fidelity Canadian Growth Company & Fidelity Global Innovators. Notice there are some redundancies between them in holdings but each has been recommended to me by my Sun life Advisor.
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Asked by Francisco on January 26, 2021
Q: I am looking to get some exposure to the "artificial intelligence" sector. Are you aware of any ETFs, US or Canadian, that would give me that exposure?
Q: When mutual funds and ETF'S show there annual returns are they net of all fees? So if a mutual fund has a higher MER but out performs a lower fee ETF it would be obviously better to go with the Mutual fund if history shows better returns even if it's only say 0.5 %. Not guaranting future returns of course. Is this why you like recommending Mawer funds!
Q: Income oriented portfolios:
What is the role of covered call dividend ETFs in a income oriented portfolio and what is the risk ?
If such ETF is supposed to increases income and reduces volatility, shouldn't covered call dividend ETFs become a significant part of income portfolios? even considering that you do not benefit from the entire stock price appreciation ,but that the income is more secure ?