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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Cryptocurrency: what is the best way to buy cryptocurremcies for a personal account. I bank with TD and they suggest going through the TD Platform then through BitBuy Canada since they trust the process and security of BitBuy Canada. I would like to pursue the purchase of Ethereum due to its price. Is it a digital currency that you would purchase or have purchased. Or due you suggest another.
Thanks for advice,

Read Answer Asked by Clayton on July 07, 2021
Q: While checking VGK as an addition to Europe ETFs , I stumbled into FDD " First Trust Stoxx European Select Dividend Index Fund". FDD is not in your data base; I found it on Schwab’s stock research pages. (Incidentally you suggested VE to another member for the Europe region, but I don’t see VE listed anywhere, and I don’t think you would have meant VEA).

FDD sounds like a good ETF for the Euro region. I am biased in favor of ETFs that hold less than a hundred businesses. Is my bias unwise? I would appreciate your opinion on FDD. Between VGK and FDD which one (IF EITHER) would you buy please? If you have another Europe-region ETF that you think might be better, kindly advise. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 07, 2021
Q: My daughter is just beginning to develop a portfolio of ETF's as a substitute for a company pension which she doesn't have. She has 20 years of work ahead of her before needing to withdraw funds from her RRSP. Please suggest a diversified portfolio of ETFs that hopefully will increase in value by the time she needs the retirement income.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 07, 2021
Q: Greetings 5i.

I would like your view on the following. Would you prefer to buy a basket of power utilities (FTS/H/AQN etc) to create a hybrid ETF for sector exposure? (if so, can you provide a list of your favorites?) Or is it worth the mer to buy an ETF that has most of them embedded within? In which case, which ETF would you recommend?

Many thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 06, 2021
Q: Dear 5i,
Comparing MOAT vs VOO it appears that in general MOAT outperforms even thought
MER is considerably higher. It looks like they both distribute dividends but, no return of capital. I am interested in purchasing for my NonReg account and don't want to update my ACB if there is a ROC or phantom distribution. Should I buy one of these or both? Do US ETF's ever have phantom distributions like some Canadian ETF's and mutual funds? I'm afraid I could not find any information on this matter.

Read Answer Asked by Ian on July 06, 2021
Q: Hi team,

I currently hold TD e-Series Funds in my RRSP and plan to replace them with other index ETFs. What would be your top 5 picks for this?
I have a high risk tolerance with a 25 year timeline.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on July 05, 2021
Q: Financials are getting a lot of attention these days which I believe 5i believes is justified.
So I want to increase my weighting in this sector.


Do you see more upside in USA banks and an etf like xlf over comparable Canadian holdings and/ or an etf like xfn ?

Is there a covered call etf for USAfinancials like ZWB for Canadian financials?

Read Answer Asked by Donald on July 02, 2021
Q: Hi. I know cryptocurrency is slightly outside your purview. However, your advice on QBTC.UN was very valuable in allowing me to get exposure to bitcoin (and a 125% return). As an extension of that, is there a simple way a Canadian investor can get direct exposure to Ethereum outside a digital wallet. ie an ETF, etc... I am hoping there is some liquidity and a reasonable structure. Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Uthaman on July 02, 2021
Q: This is a list of the ETF's in my portfolio, (I have omitted the fixed income ETF's that comprise of about 20%).

Do you see any issues with the selection? Any overlap? Perhaps there are better alternatives than the ones chosen.

Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 30, 2021
Q: I have farming friends who are telling me of a very serious drought not only in Canada but the US as well. I am wondering about holding this in my RRSP where I have a lot of US cash.I know you can't hold commodities there but this is an etf that holds commodities contracts. Because of that does this qualify as an eligible holding?

Read Answer Asked by lynn on June 30, 2021
Q: Please recommend 4 index etf's Canadian for my TFSA and 4 US for my RRSP. If you recommend Bonds make it number 5 Looking at 15-20 year DRIP and hold.
Read Answer Asked by Cecil on June 30, 2021
Q: Hi Team,

I am interested in diversifying my portfolio into small cap value ETFs in the U.S. and outside the U.S. With respect to the above, I am considering investing in VIOV and AVDV. Are there other ETFs that you would recommend that I should look into with respect to small cap value ETFs in the U.S. and outside the U.S.


Read Answer Asked by George on June 29, 2021