- Annaly Capital Management Inc. (NLY)
- Recon Capital NASDAQ-100 Covered Call ETF (QYLD)
- Brookfield Real Assets Income Fund Inc. (RA)
Q: Investing in high yield securities involves assuming the accompanying risks of course ... One can own an individual stock like ENB, a covered call ETF like QYLD or even a mortgage backed security company like NLY . Looking on RA's website it appears the major holdings are 40% global infrastructure and 38% real estate with a mixture of investments to make up the balance . I recently read an article on Seeking Alpha which called it a " Widows and orphans " security which kind of shocked me for such a high yielding stock ..... Could you give me a comparison of RA's price movement in comparison to the S&P 500 since inception ? An assessment of the risks in comparison to the three securities I have mentioned ? As well as a breakdown of how 5I views their investment strategy ? ...... { in the normal font size if possible }