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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What do you think of taking a position in FAH.U as part of a global diversification plan? It would be part of a portfolio go along with India, Europe and US etf's.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 10, 2017
Q: Hi Team,
As you mentioned Sprott made a bid for Central Fund of Canada yesterday and CEF.A stock went up 3.1% by the close. I understand this is a hostile bid. Do you think there will be a competing bid or any more upside to CEF.A? Coincidentally, I was planning to sell my CEF.A holdings next week and replace them with PHYS. Do you see any reason to hold off on that? Thank you, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 09, 2017
Q: Hi Team,
This question is about investing in a gold ETF. Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS) I believe is a closed-end fund. I read this affects its ability to issue new shares so it cannot effectively track the price of gold. This means shares could trade at a premium to net asset value and not truly track the price of gold. Is that true and if so, is it a concern? Thank you. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 08, 2017
Q: Hello. Had an earlier question on gold bullion ETFs but think I may have timed out or something as didn't get a message saying you received it. So trying again.

Looking to buy some gold bullion ETF units as insurance for both my own portfolio and my wife's portfolio. Central Fund seems like the best bet for a Canadian ETF. Three questions:

1. Am considering splitting unit purchases between my RRSP and non-registered accounts. Any issues here?
2. Can you advise the Canadian tax treatment for capital gains in my taxable account?
3. Could you please help me understand the 'premium/discount to NAV'? Today it's -8.79% for CEF.A.

Thanks as always for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on January 20, 2017
Q: How is CEF.A valued? Is it just the number of ounces of metals times the current price of gold or silver to arrive at a NAV? Today CEF.A trades at 7.2% discount to NAV and I'm trying to determine if this is a good buy....or not. How can it pay a divvy, as tiny as it is? Any chance of your expert advice in blog form? The root of these questions is that I would like to hold some physical gold, this fund seems a easy way to do that but I do not understand the "under the hood" part. Their website is vague also. Thanks for your insight. Ron
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on January 18, 2017
Q: Hi 5I, I would appreciate your opinion of eit.un and rbn.un, is the div safe, would you recommend buying. Also, which of the oil stocks above would you recommend buying, perhaps you can suggest a better one with paying dividend. Many thanks, J.A.P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on December 16, 2016