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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: TCN I am reading your report on them and under " Recent Financial Results " you state that they have a new share issue that dramatically increases the number of shares. In your Summary at the end of the report, you state that they are buying back their stock. Why would they have a new stock issue, and buy back their shares at the same time.

Just an aside, if you got rid of all that blue ( black if you are printing in black) on the side of the reports, it would save a lot of ink
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on December 02, 2013
Q: Peter and Team,

I bought a 5% position in Stantec a couple months ago around $48 and sold a covered call on it with a strike of $50 for the next month. I got called away and proceded to sell a Put at $52 for the next month. Stantec then reported their incredible quarter and the stock is now $68.50 or so. With the big run up, does this stock still make sense to buy new or should we be waiting for it to come back down a bit?

Read Answer Asked by Marc on November 29, 2013
Q: BDI or HNL for a 5% weighting in my rrsp? Thanks david
Read Answer Asked by David on November 29, 2013
Q: Hello team,

I own Highliner ( hlf ) and it has run up lately. Do you consider it a buy/sell or hold at these levels.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Josette on November 29, 2013
Q: MDF - Mediagriff is the parent company of InterTrade Systems which just announced a deal with Bare Necessities. I trust this is a positive. I have a part position in MDF presently and wonder if this would warrant adding more? The stock has not been exciting to date.

Insiders of MDF were buying a week before the news. I find that somewhat suspect. They also bought more a couple of days after.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Alvyn on November 28, 2013