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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,

I really want to add AVO and TCN to my portfolio but I'd have two sell two of my stocks to do so.

I was thinking of selling Magna to buy the AVO. I know Magna is a great company but I already own LNR and ACQ which are doing better than Magna in my portfolio right now and are in the same sector, so I'm thinking I'm overweight in the sector with Magna.

Also thinking of selling Ciniplex to buy Tricon. I know totally different companies, but my ciniplex has gone up 15% since I bought it a few months ago and I don't see as much upside with it as Tricon.

Please let me know what you think of this strategy?

Read Answer Asked by Carla on December 09, 2013
Q: I would like to add either Fiera Capital or CI Financial to my portfolio. Which has more growth over the next 3 years and which would you recommending holding

Read Answer Asked by Darcy on December 08, 2013
Q: Peter, I see that Fiera Capital is selling off today on news that Desjardins is selling some shares. What is your make on this? Is this a good buying opportunity?
Read Answer Asked by christianne on December 08, 2013
Q: I have a question about Aastra Technologies what is going on with the price.
Read Answer Asked by Eric on December 08, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and team,
We took profits on TD bank and would like to reinvest that money in financial related companies. We were considering BNS, Davis and Henderson, Home Capital, Carfinco, or Equity Financial. I like BNS and my wife likes Davis and Henderson. Could you please give us your thoughts for a 2 year investment .
thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by john on December 08, 2013
Q: Re WIN.... With the CAD significantly challenged against the USD how does this affect WIN. Since it reports and collects in USD but pays in CAD is this not a game changer in thinking just like a commodity play? Are not most expenses for WIN are in CAD? What currency does it hide under its bed?

Read Answer Asked by Glen on December 06, 2013
Q: I am wish to buy a half position in either HLF or CLR. I am looking for growth with a one to two year time horizon. Which would you suggest. Thanks Ian.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on December 06, 2013
Q: I read the US has passed legislation designed to discourage patent trolls from filing law suits. Will this put further pressure on WIN. Is it time to get out even with a 40 % loss? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on December 06, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
Can you give me your opinion on canexus. Would you consider this a time to buy? Thanks Clare
Read Answer Asked by clara on December 06, 2013
Q: Hi Team, HNL announced a new contract in Northern BC. Is this a material increase and will it move the needle for their net income?

Read Answer Asked by Darcy on December 04, 2013
Q: re ATP...At these new prices is there any value in taking the contrary view and picking up a little. What would be a steal price? I might like to try to go bottom hunting. Also, if a company like ATP does cut or eliminate divvies could this be actually to best thing for shareholders?
Read Answer Asked by Glen on December 03, 2013
Q: I own shares in wilan and I was wondering what you think of it. also I would like to know should we not of heard of an offer already or is it too early still.
Read Answer Asked by david on December 03, 2013
Q: Hi Team,
Could I have your opinion on CSE ( Capstone Infrastructure)?
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by vera on December 03, 2013