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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter and Team,

In your answer to Helen, you said: Generally, we prefer to sell the stocks that have underperformed, preferring to keep strength rather than hope for a recovery."

Since we're down substantially with XTC, and it's held in a margin account where I could claim a tax loss, would this one be in the same category as your answer? Is XTC a case of "good company, bad stock"?

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 07, 2016
Q: I am trying to high grade my portfolio and looking 2-3 yrs out for total return, would you swap the stocks in the following 3 scenarios or would you stay put. 1. TFI for CNR, 2. MX for SJ, 3. Bad or RUS for SIS. A small explanation as to why would be appreciated. Thanks and keep up the fantastic work.
Read Answer Asked by Sandy on December 07, 2016
Q: As a follow up to my previous question regarding the drop in the price of Stella jones shares I too did not see anything in the company specific news that would affect the price of the shares. But when you see the shares dropping as they have there may be other underlying reasons for other investors to sell their shares. Under a Trump led government in the USA is there anything in the policies, attitude toward free trade etc that you can see as potential negatives for the company?
Read Answer Asked by John on December 06, 2016
Q: Hi Peter A lot of concerns over PBH the recent downward pressure is the result of on analyst's downgrade for reasons he only knows .
By selling into this crap only exacerbates this issue .
The company is preforming well and expansion is on target and is raising cash through debenture offering at a great rate and as a investor I believe this is the best form of debt ,in a worst case is exchangeable for shares.
As members of 5i we are fortunate to have this private forum to share thoughts
Read Answer Asked by Stan on December 06, 2016
Q: There are two companies in your model portfolio ( SJ and KXS) that are being taken out behind the wood shed and being thrashed severely. Can you offer any reasons for this? Are there any possible concerns regarding the companies that we should be aware of and should we continue to hold the shares. Stella Jones is of particular concern with its downward spiral and down around 5% this morning.
Read Answer Asked by John on December 06, 2016
Q: Hi 5i! Saw this article on the potential resolution of Northland Power’s strategic review:
The article mentions a couple of potential bidders and a recently passed deadline for initial bids but does so on an “individual who wishes not to be named” basis. What would be the best you could do as an estimate of potential upside on a bid, downside on nothing emerging, and probabilities of the various alternatives? I have a decent gain already, which I could book if estimations favor doing so, but I have hung in to this point to see how the review might go. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Lance on December 05, 2016