Q: I hold Chartwell Retirement (CSH.UN) and have trimmed my holdings earlier this year due to overweight and the expected interest rate hike. My plan was to repurchase CSH.UN back to full weighting once the interest rate has been announced. With the US Fed announcement of a possible 3 interest rate hike in 2017, maybe I should defer this purchase until later on the year. Then again in Dec 2015, US Fed expected to raise interest rate hikes four times in 2016 but there was only one interest rate hike. Currently, the dividends are DRIP since dividend income is not required for many years. CSH.UN has increased its dividend twice since 2011. Therefore I wonder if the increase of interest rates will exceed the future potential dividend increases? What do you think of the plan to add to CSH.UN holdings or should I hold off since income is not required at this time and the DRIP over time will increase my holdings or is there another idea to consider? Thank you.
Wishing everybody at 5i and its members, best wishes for the holiday season.
Wishing everybody at 5i and its members, best wishes for the holiday season.