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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team,
TPK's stock has been showing much weakness over the last two weeks.Would this partially be due to tax loss selling as it's tumble does not seem justified and would you see it as a value stock with a solid 4.25% yield? I am thinking of dollar cost averaging but will wait for their Q3 NUMBERS TO COME OUT ,MID-NOVEMBER.
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Jean on October 10, 2018
Q: I have a question about CCL.B - I know you have answered questions on this one but given the current price action (looks like strong support here in the $54 - $55) can you elaborate on who is there competition is in the space and they losing or taking market share given packing labels are moving to more self-less cashier stores? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Aubrey on October 05, 2018
Q: Please clarify your answer you gave to my question on MAXR.
You included in your response the following statement .“We would not see any need to add to a losing position." BUT I was not asking about adding. Did you mean “hold”? as in sell in January?


5i Research Answer:
We would not say we are highly confident in MAXR, but the large price adjustment (down 48% this year) does change the risk/reward scenario. With expectations low, a good contract or positive earnings surprise could still result in good stock gains from current levels. We would expect tax loss selling, which may be happening already. Either now, or in early January, would likely get a better price if one was selling. On valuation MAXR is very cheap, but the debt adds some concerns. We would still put it into the higher risk 'hold' category. The worst should be over and the short sellers will eventuallly move on. We would not see any need to add to a losing position.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on October 05, 2018