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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold small weightings in cdz,zwc,zwh,zwe as well as holdings in Canadian utilities. I am thinking of replacing cdz with either zdh or cyh to increase my international holdings. Would you please look under the hood of zdh and cyh and would you recommend this move or do you have another recommendation?. Thanx. Great service.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on July 26, 2017
Q: Is Broadcom (AVGO) considered to be a Singaporean company or an American company? If the company domiciles in the US, it would be considered as US Situs property. As such it may have implications for Canadians on US estate taxes. If it is considered to be a Singaporean company, then there is no issue with respect to US Estate Taxes. I was unable to get an answer from the Investor Relations of Broadcom. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on July 21, 2017
Q: Hello 5i,
I am looking to increase my U.S. and International exposure. I currently hold VIG-N, JNJ-N and a number of Canadian ETF's which also hold U.S. equities. I am open to either USD or hedged products and would like a yield in excess of 2.25% if practical. Since I look to yield for income I was considering ZWA. Would you have any other options you would prefer over ZWA?
On the Int'l. side I hold CYH and ZDI and am happy with both; I held VEE at one time, but the yield is on the lower side for my needs. Should I just increase my holdings in these two or, again, do you see a better option? I could move out of one or both of those if you think there is a more compelling option I'm missing.
As always .... thanks so much for all of your help - very much appreciated!!!
Have a great summer!!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on July 18, 2017
Q: Good day Peter and 5i Team,

This question is basically about asset allocation. My goal is to gain more exposure to global markets as opposed to the Canadian market. (United State, Europe, and Asian markets). I would like to gain this exposure by investing in, what you consider to be the highest quality ETF'S currently available with exposure to these markets. I understand there are countless possiblites available; therein lies my problem, but I would appreciate keeping the number of ETF'S to a minimum. So, what is your best investment for in each of the sectors for capital gains, some dividend support, and lower fees for overall investment appreciation?
-United States?
Keeping in mind the current condition of the world economy, what percentage of my funds would you designate to each ETF?
Thanks-you for your continued support.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 13, 2017
Q: Hello. I currently hold zdi in my cash account and am thinking of increasing my exposure to this part of the world (now about 1.5% of that portfolio). I'm wondering about the pros and cons of doing this by adding zea. I realize it doubles my exposure to the UK, but it also adds more of Japan. Alternately, I could just buy more of zdi. Your recommendation, please.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on July 05, 2017
Q: Hi Team I am looking for both ETF and stock exposure to Europe. The above two ETF's seem like good choices? Would you recommend them or do you have some other ETF preferences? Also are there a couple of European stocks you would recommend? I currently own LXFT, Luxoft and am looking at EEFT. Euronet. Thanks Team Chris

Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 04, 2017