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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am heartened to see that 5i members have jumped into Flutter London. I wonder what your prospect are. I am guessing for a long term hold and do you see as a target.
Also I wonder if Robert could mention who his broker is and when it happened because TD had not switch over to show the london listed shares in my account still? Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by mike on June 17, 2020
Q: Went up 25% today, I see no news , do you ?
Should I keep it or sell, am -5% even after today.
It has not moved along as other tech stocks,can you comment please ? Also lots of lawsuits against IQ, do you think this is the reason for poor performance ?
Read Answer Asked by Luc on June 17, 2020
Q: Hi,

In all of the recent turmoil, I missed that The Stars Group was bought out. As such, I obviously didn't do anything and noticed today that I have the Flutter shares in my account - which are actually up quite nicely from the bought price. I'm content to continue to do nothing and let these Flutter shares hopefully continue to appreciate.

Any red or yellow flags from your perspective on Flutter, realizing that you don't follow it.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 16, 2020
Q: Hello -
Over the first decade this century emerging markets seemed to do relatively well. Over the last 10 years or so, it appears that relative performance has been much better in the U.S.

Do you believe Emerging Markets represent good value compared to the U.S.? For instance, VWO has a PE ratio of 13, ERUS is about 7, whereas I think the U.S. is somewhere around 18 - you can correct me if I'm wrong. How much affect does a strong USD play in this recent past 10-year performance? Assuming we see a weakening USD, would that be the trigger point for the two mentioned ETF's to outperform the U.S. indices? Obviously stronger oil prices would also likely help ERUS.

What affect would this also have on BNS with it's exposure to Latin America? It's been the weak sister among the big Canadian banks. Would a weaker USD then give the BNS stock price a boost as a result?

Read Answer Asked by James on June 12, 2020
Q: I am still confused by this merger and your answers to other questions. The company says Canadian shareholders should use FLTR and those shares are trading at 11,400 GB (pounds) which makes me suddenly a multi-millionaire. You said we should be using PDYPF or PDYPY depending on your answer. Is the PDYP? a half share, so the 225 shares of FLTR that I have is actually 450 units of PDYP?? Then the other question is what currency is this? It appears to be USD. If so, any way I cut it I've made a huge amount from The Stars Group, or maybe I've lost money. Thanks for your help in trying to put a value on these shares.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on June 08, 2020
Q: I understand the US is moving forward a bill that may cause the delisting of Chinese companies currently listed in US exchanges. I am holding BABA and ZTO (Cayman) for a few years now with good gains. What is going to happen to these currently listed companies if I continue to hold these stocks? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on June 02, 2020
Q: Is the delisting of Chinese companies on US stock exchanges a real possibility or more noise. How might Alibaba be impacted. Should investors sell and watch or ride it out. The senate bill would require that foreign companies let the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board oversee the auditing of their financial records. Does Alibaba currently use American accounting methods - GAAP?

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on June 02, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I am thinking to buy a small group of China US ADR as growth china group:
TCEHY - Tencent Holding
BABA - Alibaba Group
AACAY- AAC Technologies
XIACY - Xiamoi Corp
HKXCY- Hong Kong Exchange
I will not do it until Trump not going to delist them.
Appreciate your opinion on my List. Or am I crazy ?
Thanks as always and please deduct credits as needed !
Regards, Tak
Read Answer Asked by Tak on June 01, 2020
Q: Last year, I purchased ZDH in my mother's retirement account. She is close to 80. It has been a very poor performer, significantly underperforming the international indexes. Performance seemed to be reasonable prior to the market drop in the last few months. Morningstar now rates both ZDI (unhedged) and ZDH (hedged) as two stars, and it now falls to the 4th quartile for most time periods.

I would appreciate your views about ZDH. Would you continue to hold this ETF expecting that it will start to outperform the market, or would you sell it? Do you feel that it has dropped a lot since January due to its sector composition, and will bounce back? If you would sell it, what would you recommend? Dividends are not a priority, but looking for low to medium risk.

Thanks for your excellent advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on June 01, 2020