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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Guys

I know you don't really follow non North American stocks closely but wonder if you have any thoughts on the Swedish bank Svenska Handelsbanken and its valuation right now? It seems to near a 5 year low in terms of stock price yet seems to a conservative bank with a decent yield.

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on June 06, 2023
Q: You don't seem to have a listing for it but what do you think of Panasonic (PCRFF)
Read Answer Asked by John on May 30, 2023
Q: Good Morning 5i

We have EPD and GIC's in our income side of RRSP's. We have room for a another stock at a 1/2 position. What are your thoughts on BTI with an 8.52% dividend? Do you have another stock as a preference?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 24, 2023
Q: I would appreciate your high level thoughts regarding investing in Japan.
Many strategist are suggesting that Japan might start increasing their very low interest rates which would spur interest in their own countries stock market which seems to be flat for a very long time. Do you think there is a good chance this might happen? I also thought the Japanese elevated age doesn't bode well for their economy which makes their stock market less attractive. I would appreciate your view point on Japan's investability for the long term. If yes, would you buy a hedged or non hedged Japanese ETF to get exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on May 02, 2023
Q: I know you don't cover Chinese stocks and this one is quite volatile. But can you please advise if this stock exhibits any other signs of distress that might indicate it is possible for it to reach bankruptcy. Would you say that its balance sheet is over-leveraged, is there a worrying amount of insider sales, or other things that you would deem worrysome?
Thank you for any info you can provide, I really appreciate it.
Read Answer Asked by TOM on May 02, 2023
Q: I have done very well on Novo Nordisk - likely because of the hype around Ozempic. Despite selling 10%, my position is likely close to double what I'd consider a typical holding.

I don't need the money and the stock has been a good long term hold. I am inclined towards holding a somewhat "fat" position. How do you see the valuation and is there any way to assess the value of things they have in the works?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 26, 2023
Q: Hello Folks:
We are interested in purchasing Mercedes Benz (New York Stock Exchange): perhaps a 5 %% weighting.
Merc stock appears having decent upside in addition to a 7% dividend.
We are considering selling perhaps some Visa, REMX, Johnson Controls, Manual Life, or reducing some energy companies etc. to raise funds for this purpose. We could also thin down big Tech however feel these Tech stocks will have some wind in their sales.
How would you compare outlook for Mercedes Benz with industrials such as John Deere, Cat, Cummins etc. We are Merc fans, however don't wish being over enthusiastic.
Thanks again for all you contribute!!!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on April 25, 2023