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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have owned these stocks in my non-registered account for 12 years except ETF IGM, T, CTC.A (bought 2 yr ago - up a fair bit). T bought 5 years or so ago. GSY, MFC & GRT.UN a year ago - all 3 up nicely. I buy dividend growers for the most part. I have been retired for quite a while - so, more interested in dividend growth. Large portfolio with banks 40% of total. Do not worry about market downturns: add to positions when they go on sale -08/09 and 2020. Sitting on cash and looking to add to these positions . Do not own ENF.CA - typo. Suggestions?? IFC 5-6 years up 220% including dividends.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 10, 2023
Q: It appears that Transcontinental published pretty bad numbers for its Q1FY2023 and the market has reacted quite negatively and the drop has been brutal. In your opinion, how bad are these results? In their press release for the quarter they mentioned the printing segment drop considerably. Do you see other problems showing up? They also mentioned they are continuing paying the dividend but in your educated opinion, given these results, is it realistic for them to keep doing so or is it more an eventuality they will cutting it, akin to what happened with AQN. Is it a SELL or HOLD? -- My guess is, it's not a BUY.
Read Answer Asked by André on March 10, 2023
Q: I hold some cash at present, and would like to take advantage of the dividend tax credit to reduce tax on dividend income. Can you suggest 5 or 6 ETF's that hold mostly Canadian stocks, and that have a distribution of over 7.5% consisting primarily of eligible dividends, and based on their holdings, you would consider to have a safe distribution going forward? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Will on March 10, 2023
Q: For an income, would you recommend this stock. Is there another that you feel would be better for both income and a little upside.

Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 09, 2023
Q: Would you initiate an investment of BIR at the current share price? Is its dividend safe? How would you rank BIR against two other small high yield O&G companies - PHX and CJ in terms of likely combined return over the next two years? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on March 09, 2023
Q: These stocks of the same company appear to be trading at around a difference of US$10. The 5i blog is very helpful in explaining the difference in the two classes of shares and notes that the only real difference between them is that the BIPC class of share has a broader range of appeal for certain buyers and therefore greater demand than the BIP class.

So my question. Is the current difference in pricing related solely to a greater demand for the BIPC shares? Maybe I have missed something?
Read Answer Asked by angus on March 08, 2023
Q: My wife just started a tax free savings account. She recently bought ATZ and SHOP. Can you recommend a couple good Canadian stocks for her tax free? Also Is it fine to purchase US stocks in her Canadian account? Can you recommend a couple US stocks also.
Read Answer Asked by sean on March 08, 2023