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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team, I'm a retired dividend investor supported by portfolio dividends.

Currently, I'm holding positions in ENB and TRP for my pipeline weighting. I'm concerned about the lagging performance of TRP. What are your thoughts on trading TRP for PPL? Alternatively could also consider GEI or KEY.

Can you please list your favorite pipeline selections in order of growth and safety?

I like to hold 2 sector companies for diversification. Also, as TRP has been flat there are no cap gains. Please advise.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maury on June 28, 2023
Q: Good morning. Can you please suggest your top choices for US companies with strong dividends and some growth potential.


Read Answer Asked by alex on June 27, 2023
Q: Dividends of these companies are interesting for a retiree. I have money to put in two of them. Favoring Enbridge. In between the two other two, PPL with is involvement with the LNG in Kitimat I would be inclined. TRP I'm certain would be fine except for their problem with Line 5. What's your take on this.
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 27, 2023
Q: Hi guys,

I am looking for your top 3 picks on Canadian markets for dividend income and growth with the emphasis being on dividend income.

Which 3 would they be and why?


Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on June 27, 2023
Q: I have $70,000 to invest for a 5-8 year hold. Looking for dividends and growth. What are your best suggestions? Going in a non registered account.
Read Answer Asked by Catty on June 27, 2023
Q: Looking for 10 top cdn divided stocks in terms of safe dividend and potential growth
Would you take any of these off the list and add another, and why?
Thank you for your ongoing assistance
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 26, 2023
Q: I realize that you have been pretty much non committal about Evertz Technologies, however, they released what look to be "blow-out" numbers yesterday with a record quarter, record annual revenue and record backlog. The market clearly likes it and I wonder if this might change your view of the company going forward.

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by karl on June 26, 2023
Q: Dividend growth investor here. Was wondering about the quality ACO.X as an investment. Any balance sheet concerns? The rather large portion they own of CU seems to be dictating the performance of their stock price - more less flat-ish over the last few years. So in that regard why would, say, FTS be outperforming CU over the last 5 years by approx. 25%?
Read Answer Asked by James on June 26, 2023
Q: Peter, My question is about so called Canadian blue chip stocks. Canadian banks div 6 to 7% now TC energy 7.1% Enbridge 7.4% Life ins Manulife 6.1%Great west over 6%. I have owned these stocks for a few years and with them being down 1% or more every day I am staring to go under water. Would it be wise to keep them or sell and buy GIC.
Now for the non blue chip. Eric Nutall suggestions from 2 to 3 mo. ago ie Tamarack Birchcliff ect ect are down 20 to 30%. Many co. have said they will sacrifice growth to pay the div. Many are nearly out of debt. Please help, What am I missing Thanks Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on June 26, 2023
Q: Hi Gang

Did you have a look at my last question onTop 15 Canadian companys that pay in US cash

Thanks Mike B
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 24, 2023
Q: Retiree looking for suggestions to putt some money into a TFSA. Long term investment with a good dividend and reasonable capital appreciation. Please advise.
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 23, 2023
Q: Brookfield Renewable has an A rating and has been one of the most recommended stocks on 5i for income over the years. Since 2021 or so, if you look at the charts, it's been heading south as a trend.

Any opinions on what has changed since 2021 materially that this name seems to have been trending down as oppose to the prior 5 years? Is it because it's not longer a growth name and more a income name? Is it because their earnings haven't been as what they have promised? Just curious to know how or if the narrative has changed?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on June 23, 2023