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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: peter your thoughts on medical facilities please.Dividend has been very steady. Is the payout ratio to high? Thanks Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on February 13, 2013
Q: I know you don't cover Inter Pipeline but I'm hoping to get your opinion on the stock. I bought it a short time ago and it is down about 6% since. Is there something happening I don't know about? Thank you Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 12, 2013
Q: Currently, the oil patch future in Canada is largely predicated on the availability of more pipeline transportation. In this regard, is it a safe bet to invest in ENB,TRP and, to a lesser degree, in IPL.UN ? If so, which one is more promising, and why ? In addition, do you think that approval of the Keystone pipeline is a sure bet (likely to be announced in late March) ?
Read Answer Asked by Serge on February 11, 2013
Q: Hello Peter, can I get your opinion on the likelyhood of inflation rising significantly over the next year or two? Do you have any suggestions on what to invest in during a high inflation period and any stocks that you would recommend during such a period? I am specifically looking at Bei.un, but it looks like I might have missed that opportunity. Any sectors you would recommend staying away from? TIA, Gerald
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on February 10, 2013
Q: CML Healthcare CLC-T. What is your opinion of this stock?
Read Answer Asked by John on February 08, 2013
Q: I am somewhat confused by your A rating for BEP.UN. I undertand it is a solid, safe company with a reasonable distribution. Using your charts, you show it as having had a 4.0% gain and producing a 4.0% yield.However, when I compare it with the other A and A- stocks from your ratings that I also own (BAD, BYD.UN, CSU, ESL, and STN) it is substantially inferior on a relative basis. That being so, why does it have the same rating as those stocks. I am going to select the private option, but if you think it would be useful for othes to see your answer, feel free to make your answer public.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on February 08, 2013
Q: I am interested in your thoughts on the Horizons Floating Rate Bond ETF (HFR). Is it a good place to park some cash for a six month holding period, how sustainable is the yield if bond prices go down, do you consider the .4% management fee reasonable. Thanks, Chuck
Read Answer Asked by Chuck on February 08, 2013
Q: Hi 5i Team, I am looking to increase my position with LP(KMP)in my RRSP for a long term hold. I like the div. and yld. on this company.

What are your views on Kinder going forward ?

Thanks, Den.
Read Answer Asked by William on February 06, 2013
Q: Hi, Peter: Any thoughts on IPL.UN (Inter Pipeline Fund) since they announced their 2013 capital expenditures last week?
Thanks, Dale
Read Answer Asked by Joan on February 04, 2013
Q: ATP Atlantic Power. What are your thoughts re the sale of the Florida Assets. The Market certainly doesn't seem to care for it.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 31, 2013
Q: Hi team, I have held Just Energy JE for the share price ride up and then back down again and have been dripping my dividends monthly. But now I am beginning to wonder if I should cancel my drip which is getting fairly large and just bank the dividends. Most TV experts seem to hate this company. However JE seem to keep growing their customer base both here and in the US. Your thoughts would be appreciated. No hurry for answer if you are short staffed. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 29, 2013
Q: I appreciate the chance to ask questions .
I am getting worried about the lofty P/E ratios of the pipes, if you look at ppl,vsn,ipl,gei,enb, etc they are all trading above 20 x earnings. Google levels!
I understand the need for yield but I am worried that one morning everyone at the same time will see something wrong with this,
Am I missing something ?

Read Answer Asked by Leon on January 29, 2013