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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Wajax is in similar lines of business to Finning and has a very nice yield can I get your thoughts about this company?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on February 28, 2013
Q: what are your thoughts on NTI Northern Tier Energy LP? It has a high dividend, significant ownership by insiders, and favourable write ups? thanks!
Read Answer Asked by john on February 27, 2013
Q: What is your take on "967 eleven eleven Pizza Pizza" or PZA?
I see that this company is just a hold on TDWaterhouse rating but it pays a decent dividend. It has been around for agesand i still remember the radio catch phrase. It would I believe be a good complement to Boston Pizza and even the Keg... all of them at different markets/price points.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on February 25, 2013
Q: Hi, I am a fairly new subscriber to 5i, found lots of worthwhile information. Sound investent already. Great advise about investing in companies that just intiated a dividend. Will 5i be sending this info out when it happpens, if not where could a retail invester find this info in a timely manner? Thanks in advance, Jim
Read Answer Asked by James on February 24, 2013
Q: I would appreciate your opinion on Torstar. Although it has secular challenges it seems the news is baked into the price. It's trading at just 3.7 Earnings. The dividend is 6.7% and similar companies in the US (New York Times) have had significant price appreciation the past 12 months due to the potential for digital pay walls. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on February 22, 2013
Q: NYMT was recently recommended to me. Do you know anything about this company?
Read Answer Asked by LARRY on February 21, 2013
Q: Peter and team,

Can I please get your take on on Tim Horton's earnings? Things look all in all pretty good and I'd like your take. Any thoughts on the quality of their same store sales?
Read Answer Asked by Marc on February 21, 2013
Q: Hi Peter any thoughts on Obama passing the northern leg of the Keystone Pipeline and the impact on TRP either way? I have significant gains on my TRP and thinking of booking profits in case Obama plays politics and doesn't pass or delays the pipeline once again. If I do sell any other names you would suggest I switch into with similar attributes,i.e stability, nice dividend etc..thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 19, 2013
Q: Peter ...loking good on BNN today .. trying to upgrde to A-B stocks. Has my purchase of ATP been wrong timing or are you still confident in spite of a downgrade.TY.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on February 19, 2013
Q: Hi team, this may be a fundamental question, but why when a company announces a share buyback, which you would think be a good thing does the stock get slammed. This seems to have just happened to JE Just Energy, even after a dividend cut. Won't a reduction in shares outstanding provided the existing shareholder with a bit of stability in the share price?
Read Answer Asked by Ray on February 14, 2013
Q: FC- Firm Capital. Given that I am a dividend hunter looking also for the security of my investments, would you consider this to a worthy holding?
Would this stock benefit or be hurt by interest rate increases?

I like the dividend and long term price trend, but am a bit concerned about the p/e multiple.

Thanks again.

Read Answer Asked by Donald on February 13, 2013
Q: Do you have an update on Bird Construction (BDT). It seems to be sliding a little every day. Is this just Feb. in the construction industry or is their backlog going down to fast
Read Answer Asked by Ed on February 13, 2013