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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning! You state there is a sector rotation going out of stocks/utilities this week. What causes such a shift? Are there "typical" sector rotations that happen annually?
Am I correct is assuming that, in general, nothing has fundamentally changed with these companies, and if a company like ENB was suggested before the price drop, I'm just getting it at a better price? I've already purchased some and wonder how much more the price can decrease...
Thanks for this fabulous service --- it's great for do-it-yourself newbies like me!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on May 31, 2013
Q: I would like to get your opinion on gh (gamehost) is it safe if rates rise?
Read Answer Asked by Dustin on May 30, 2013
Q: Hello Team,
I really appreciate all the advice, you have a solid team. With all this talk on the interest rates I would like to ask a question. I know you believe that rates will remain low or even decline a bit. I was curious what types of investments would be most beneficial in a rising rate environment? Hypothetically.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Zenon on May 30, 2013
What do you think the effect of the new 3S contract will have on KBL's revenues and income stability?
Thanks again for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Kish on May 30, 2013
Q: Hi Peter What is causing the sell off today in the reits appears both us and can
Regards Stan
Read Answer Asked by Stan on May 29, 2013
Read Answer Asked by Norman on May 28, 2013
Q: MTG was mentioned on BNN today, can you please comment on it. thanks for this great service. vic
Read Answer Asked by Linda & Vic on May 27, 2013
Hi there - any thoughts as a sustainable income stock?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi, do you think DR, medical facilities is a good buy? If you like the stock, Would you wait for a pullback? thanks very much. H
Read Answer Asked by Helen on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi Peter I have been looking at KEG-UN, PZA-UN, and SRV-UN for income. Nice yields. Will your team be reviewing any of these?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 23, 2013
Q: Ernie's May 22 question on TDB621 Mortgage Fund had me investigate the numbers: 12 month return with risk 1.36/current yield 2.1/MER 1.82. A well kept secret at TD is their ISA-Investment Savings Account- TDB8150 currently paying 1.25% with no risk. There is no info online about it, you have to call and ask, but you can buy and sell it online min $1000, the only catch is it takes 1 to 2 days notice to buy and sell but it is guaranteed. I use it in cash and registered accounts. The US$ TDB 8152 pays 0.2%.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on May 23, 2013
Q: WMB NYSE-what do think about me buying this one for my USD portfolio? I do not own any CDN equivalents as they look very expensive. They plan on > dividend by 20% ea over the next 3 years. They have bought two complimentary companies recently as well which should increase cash flow etc. However metrics looks awful: very high debt, high Payout ratio etc.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 23, 2013
Q: I am a long term investor looking for div growth with some capital appreciation. I took a position a few years ago in ZWU for the high yield. The yield has been decreasing and price is range bound. It is now at the high end of the range and am considering selling and taking a position in INE which looks to have some good growth (both capital and Div) in its future with new projects in the works. Your thoughts!
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on May 21, 2013