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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,

I currently hold Genworth, and have held it for a few years. I am wondering if after the new mortgage rules announced today if it's worth holding. Considering that 50-55% of their current clientele would be not be eligible for mortgage insurance under the new rules, what adjustments can they do to maintain their current earnings level? Is the dividend safe considering these facts? Is it worth holding considering the constraints to future business under the new rules?

Thank you in advance
Read Answer Asked by Gerasimos on October 05, 2016
Q: I am supposed to increase my fixed income exposure via one or more ETFs. I see you usually recommend CBO, but what about VSC. VSC seems to be a better performer over the last 1, 3 and 5 year periods. Which is better in your opinion and why?

I have about $21K in cash in an RRSP to invest in fixed income products. Should I buy two or 3 ETFs, or all in CBO or VSC is sufficient?

Should I buy now, or wait until after the US election, or even after FED meeting in December to see if they increase interest rates? Does it really matter at this time?

p.s. I have been invested in over 90% equities for the last 25 years (now 53 years old) so I am struggling to get myself to buy fixed income products. I am reluctantly buying fixed income products only because I know I am supposed to have better asset allocation and not be so heavily equity focused, but today the returns are so small I wonder if I would just be better off buying stocks like BCE, T, SLF, FTS, IPL, PPL that pay around 4% dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 04, 2016
Q: If you were asked to create a Canadian dividend Aristocrat ETF what holdings would you include? Would you equal weight the holdings? Would you diversify it across sectors? How would you base your selections against payout ratios or higher dividend payers? How often would you review the selections and how many names would you hold. Why might you want to do this type of ETF over another example such as growth, small cap index, value , GARP, etc.? Also please compare your Model portfolio to such an ETF. What makes the model portfolio different from this approach? Sorry for the longer question. To sum it up I am hoping to get a feeling of your strategies from the answer. Thank You Jeremy
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on October 03, 2016
Q: According to Yahoo Finance the payout ratio for ABT [Absolute Software Corporation] is 102.3%.

Is that correct?

Why would this company have a payout ratio over 100%?

Read Answer Asked by Ross on October 03, 2016
Q: A broker came out with a report on VSN today that put the target price at 12.00 (CIBC is at $14), below the current price of 12.75. Upon further checking it appears most analysts share that view. Their payout ratio seems to be high, and projects are unsure. Time to sell? Move to TRP? BIP.UN?
Read Answer Asked by Kurt W on September 28, 2016
Q: Your thoughts on a portfolio in a non registered account consisting simply of these 3 etf's (ZRE,ZPR,ZDV) to hold forever. Dividends received put into VIG.US, I'm 45 years old, I have no mortgage and no debts looking to borrow and bring my accounts to 100k for each of these 3 etf's totalling 300k, in retirement will use only dividends. (This would act as my deferred annuity but I get to keep my money) is my thinking clear?
Read Answer Asked by Nino on September 27, 2016
Q: I have no REITS in my portfolio and since I do my own taxes I like to keep things simple and did read that it better to hold REITS in an RRSP account if you don't want to be bother with return on capital, etc. I am wondering if I have no room in my RRSP would it be okay to put in my TFSA? I am looking at ZRE and XRE which one you prefer and CSH.UN or is just one index fund good enough.

Read Answer Asked on September 27, 2016