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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you please confirm for me that the following stocks qualify for the dividend tax credit.
$BAM.a, $CGX, $ENB, $WSP, $SLF, $BCE, $CNR, $MG and the ETF $CEW.

Thanks as always,

Read Answer Asked by Valter on January 24, 2017
Q: I have 2 transportation stocks CP and AC, up 30% and 48% respectively in a very short time. Now they represent 5% each of my diversified portfolio.
Both were an opportunistic purchase since I had no transportation stocks. Do you think I should sell them or there is more upside potential? Industry consolidation in case of CP and AC increasing its cash flow, lowering debt, perhaps paying a dividend (don't sell your winners philosophy)?
Read Answer Asked by JR on January 23, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team. The Canola Council of Canada suggests 43,000 canola farmers in Canada and Internationa canola demand is growing. Based on INP's 122 contracts to date (and historically steady contract growth) it seems there is a long runway for growth at INP. As far as I know Input Capital has no direct competitors, however barriers to entry on the streaming model seem low. Based on this, my questions are: (1) Do you see the INP streaming model as favourable from a farmers perspective? (2) The Nov 2015 default of 3 contracts seemed large compared to revenue, do you foresee farmers being spooked by the legal action being taken, or is this expected? (3) Are barriers to entry low in this business model? (4) INP's annual report does not indicate the avg length of time streaming deal is in place and renewal rate of streaming contracts to date, are you able to obtain this info? (5) Lastly, INP compares itself to precious metals streamers in its Jan 2017 presentation, do you think that is a fair comparison? Thx!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 23, 2017
Q: Hello Peter, I know you like all three of these companies. My RRSP and TFSA are already well-diversified. On top of that, I'm now trying to build a non-registered account for long-term holdings (mostly solid, 'steady Eddy's' such as ATD, ENB, T, FTS). I'd like to add 2 full positions to the account. Which two of CSU, WSP and CGX would you suggest adding at this point for long-term gains, factoring in a 'sleep at night' element. (No concern over dividend rates.) Thanks for the continually excellent service! James
Read Answer Asked by James on January 20, 2017
Q: Hello Peter, Should have sold DH Corp sooner but will take a loss and deploy the cash to these three companies also some to TIO networks. Do these choices sound suitable to you? Herb
Read Answer Asked by Herbert on January 20, 2017